Six-Claws, Meet Deathbringer

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*Note: This section will only make sense to those who have read Winglets: Assassin and Winglets: Deserter

So.... for starters Winglets Assassin freak out time.





it's SO SWEET! that's why he always protects Glory!!!!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?! 

Update: The waterworks have been unleashed. 


Okay, flip out over.

so in the end of Assassin, Deathbringer says, "Let's see how creative I can get with these orders," when he is talking about his mission to kill Six-Claws. And near the end of Deserter Six-Claws is told about the scorpion den and forced to question his loyalty to Burn because of a mysterious dragon that he never sees. So that mystery dragon is obviously Deathbringer. But Six-Claws doesn't know that. 

So imagine this........ 

Glory goes to the sand kingdom to meet with Thorn and talk Queenly business and of course, to see Sunny. And Deathbringer comes along as Glory's guard, obviously, where else would he be. *Squeals cause OTP is awesome*

So Thorn and Glory are discussing some urgent matter and Thorn's guard(that just happens to be Six-Claws) and Deathbringer wait off to the side. They get bored and start talking. I imagine the conversation goes something like this.... (S is Six-Claws, D is Deathbringer)

S: Hey

D: Hello

S: I'm-

D: You're Six-Claws, you used to be a general under Burn during the war.

S: *blinks cause surprised* General. Now that's a title I haven't had for a while, but yes, I was, until-

D: Until the night after your friend got hurt in battle and you got into an argument with Burn because you wanted to search for Blaze but she wanted you to go after the Mudwings because their alliance with Blister was shaky after Commander Tempest's assassination. But after Burn said you needed some persuasion and disappeared into the tent,

S: *eyes are wide, bugging out of his head*

D: you heard a voice in the shadows talk to you and when you asked who it was he said "Someone with your best interests at heart."Then it said "You don't have to follow Burn" and when you asked about switching to Bilster it said "Dear snakes, no" and proceded to tell you "Why follow any of them? There's always the scorpion den right? Plenty of Sandwings there who don't fight for anyone. From what I've heard anyhow. Loyal to what? Do you even know why you follow her anymore? She's not a good queen. You are helping a viper and making her stronger and more poisonous. Can't you see that? If you can't, you will soon, I'm afraid." Then when Burn yelled at you it said "Think about it,"and disappeared into the shadows.

S: *frozen in utter shock and disbelief* How did you know that?

D: you never wondered who the voice was? Well, it was me. I was actually sent to kill you but I decided to give you a chance to escape first. If you hadn't taken my advice then I would've killed you that very night.

S: *jaw dropped, Eyes bugged out, frozen completely*

At this moment Glory shouts "Deathbringer, come on," Thorn and her had finished talking and they were standing by the door. Deathbringer rushed over. Thorn eyed Six-Claws, who hadn't moved a muscle. She walked over to him and waved her talon in front of his face. Nothing. "Six-Claws?"she asked. "You okay?" Nothing. Glory turned to Deathbringer and crossed her arms. "What did you do?"she demanded. He gave her a smug grin. "Nothing,"he said innocently. "I just blew his mind with a sudden realization about something that happened about 8 years ago and how close he was to death,"he added sweetly. Glory face-taloned. "Deathbringer,"she began, as if she was reprimanding a dragonet. "We have been here for less than 2 hours and you have already broken one of Thorn's best guards. So, just, don't break anyone else, Alright?" He smiled smugly again. "Yes, your Majesty,"he said sarcastically, bowing to her. She rolled her eyes. And despite Thorn's attempts, Six-Claws still hadn't moved an inch, not even blinked.

BWAHAHA!! It would be hilarious to see that scene play out!

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