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So, me, peril290 and SmallButDeadlySunny have created the ultimate crossover, and it all fits.

There's two versions really, but whatever. So if you are a fan of Sherlock, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Wings of Fire, or the insanity that is Superwholock, you might enjoy this.

Here's basically how we think a Superwholock crossover would happen

Version 1- Superwholock 

Remember in SPN when Sam got kidnapped by the British Men of Letters? Well, what if they took him to London, and held him captive in their home headquarters?

So Dean and Cas jump on a plane and head over to london to search for Sam and as they turn a street corner, they run right into Sherlock and John.

Cas and Sherlock instantly freeze and glare at each other, having a staring contest because they're both wearing trenchcoats. And while their boyfriends are staring, John and Dean say hello and meet each other, and Dean finds out that they're detectives who know London, so John agrees that he and Sherlock will help Dean and Cas find Sam. The four of them go to a pub to work out the details, and Sherlock does his creepy thing where he says everything he knows about someone, and Dean is kinda freaked out by it, so he tells Sherlock to try Cas. And Sherlock gets mad because he can't figure Cas out, and he refuses to believe that Cas is an angel, of course, insisting that there's no such thing as the supernatural. Which, in Britain, is true because the British Men of Letters exterminate ever monster there. So they work out a whole plan, but the only problem left is how they get into the Men of Letters Headquarters. This issue is instantly solved when the Tardis shows up, and the Doctor steps out, saying "Were you seriously going to do this without me?"

And so they break into the Men of Letters using the Tardis, which seriously confuses Sam, and then they all have a good time. The Doctor and Sam become like besties, and the Doctor tries to get Cas to switch to bowties instead of ties. Dean and John share battle stories and joke about their serious boyfriends. Sherlock and Cas get into a fist fight over who wears the trenchcoat better- Cas obviously wins- and Cas has a long conversation with the Tardis in enochian while Sherlock and Sam talk about intellectual things. Sherlock walks away admitting that the Supernatural is real, Sam and Dean walk away with a greater respect for Britian and logic, and the Doctor just confuses everybody, gives Cas a fez, and leaves in the Tardis.

Version 2- Wings of SuperWho

In this version, Dean, Sam, and Cas are walking down a deserted road after their car ran out of gas, and Dean is cranky because "baby never runs out of gas, why couldn't we just drive her?" And then, out of nowhere, the Tardis appears, and Rose and the Doctor show up. And they introduce themselves-

"I'm the Doctor, and this is the TARDIS. It's bigger on the inside."

"I'm Dean, and this is Cas. He's bigger on the inside too."

"My true form is about the side of the Chrysler building." Cas adds. 

"....Well the Tardis can travel through time."

"So can Cas."

".......I have a sonic Screwdriver."

"We have the Colt."

"I have Rose."

"I have Cas."

"I saved the world!" 

Winchester: *burst out laughing*

But eventually, thinking that the Doctor is either something for them to hunt or just plain crazy, Cas is examining the Tardis's exterior, the Doctor turns his back, and Dean and Sam run inside the Tardis, Dean darting back out to grab Cas by the trenchcoat and yanking him into the Tardis and they are all immediately overwhelmed.

"Sammy figure out the controls!" Dean orders as Sam stares at the Tardis.

"Dean, I can't read this!" But Cas can, and before the Doctor knows what's happening, Rose has darted inside the Tardis, and the Winchester have stolen it, sending them into completely different dimension.

And once the tardis's doors open, they find themselves in a treasure room. The Winchesters freak out and start stuffing their pockets, because, let's face it, they need the cash. And Rose keeps yelling at them as they empty the whole treasure room and slip out the window while carrying a particularly large piece of treasure. 

So Team Free Will ends up running across a courtyard while Rose tries to slip away and find a way back to the Tardis. But then, who should appear but Queen Oasis, furious that someone has stolen her treasure. So, to protect Dean and Sam, Cas is the one who kills Oasis, overpowering her with his angel abilities, and he ends up leaving his angel blade behind, embedded in Oasis's snout. So Team Free Will takes off, which is the trail that Six-Claws and the other Sandwings follow, but the trail abruptly stops when the Tardis appears with the Doctor in it, who has come looking for Rose. But instead he ends up taking Dean, Sam, and Cas back to their home while Rose is found by Smolder, who keeps her as a pet and mistakes her name for Flower.

And that is how the Winchesters started the Great Sandwing War.

The End.

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