Very Sneaky, Tui, Very Sneaky.....

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Every author has slipped something a little extra into their stories. Something that you don't catch when you're reading it- you have to look for it. Some little reference to something else that ties the story to something and makes you feel smart when you find it.

J.K. Rowling is the master of this, but Tui has it a little bit herself.

For instance,

Book Six is called Moon Rising.

And the perfect song to describe the book is Credence Clearwater Revival's Bad Moon Rising.

Coincidence? I THINK NOT.

But now I have found another!

We all know that there's a tribe called HiveWings, and that, if Queen Wasp wants it, she can mind control the entire tribe (except Cricket but that's not important right now). When she controls their minds, everyone has one collective mind.

A.K.A. a Hivemind.


- a notional entity consisting of a large number of people who share their knowledge or opinions with one another, regarded as producing either uncritical conformity or collective intelligence.

-(in science fiction) a unified consciousness or intelligence formed by a number of alien individuals, the resulting consciousness typically exerting control over its constituent members.

And that's just a fancy way of saying a collective mind.

So HIVEwings, who live in a HIVE, have a collective HIVEMIND which is controlled by Queen Wasp.

Not to mention the posters that Blue describes in Book 11, posters that depict Queen Wasp, are eerily similar to posters depicting Big Brother in the haunting tale of 1984 by George Orwell.

I see you, Tui. I see how you're sneaking around.

Very sneaky, Tui, Very sneaky.....

On a similar note,


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