Cleril One-Shot

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A/N: If anyone has an idea for the plot of a One-Shot, let me know! I mainly haven't updated this because I has no ideas....

*Set after this part in Book 10*

"Want to go flying with me?" she said impulsively. "I mean, I know it's raining, but it's kind of cool to fly in the rain, unless you're busy, you're, like, running a school, so, that's OK if you can't, we-"

"Peril," he said, catching one of her front talons in his. "I'd love to." 

Peril's face lit up. 

"Really?" she whispered in shock. Clay nodded.

"Really." Clay glanced around to make sure no one was around to see them sneak off and then followed Peril outside. Peril flipped into the air, attempting to contain her excitement. This was finally happening! She was really, actually, going on a date with Clay!

.....In the pouring rain.

.....After taking out a giant monster she unleashed.

....And a giant battle happened and dragons died.

Peril thought for a second before shrugging. Nah, she thought to herself, still worth it. She would kill Scarlet a million times for a chance to be exactly where she was right now. 

Maybe I should've told one of the others where I was going, Clay wondered, glancing back at the entrance to the school. They'll worry if I just disappear. He looked back at the rain filled sky; at Peril flipping in the air, a smile on her face. He grinned. So, they worry. So what? He took off, circling Peril in the sky. 

Peril's smile didn't fade for a second as she and Clay flew around the mountain and the land surrounding it. The rain beat down on them and the wind made flying difficult, but they didn't care. A sudden gust of wind sent Clay spinning in circles until he regained his balance. She laughed at his panicked expression as the wind tossed him around. With the speed and grace of a Skywing, she darted over and grabbed his talon, pulling him out of the crazed wind current. But, instead of regain control, Clay crashed into her, smashing them both out of the sky and letting them slam into a river. Peril sputtered as she got to her feet, looking around for Clay. The mudwing seemed to have disappeared.

"....Clay?" she asked tentatively. Before she could say another word, Clay burst out of the water and tackled her, water splashing all around them as they laughed. They wrestled in the river, slowly nearing the muddy bank.

"Got you!" Clay teased, pining Peril to the bank. She smirked at him. 

"Is that so?" she scooped up a hunk of mud and threw it at him. 

"Ah!" Disoriented, he lost his grip, letting her wriggle free.

"Jokes on you!" he called after her. "I love mud." True to his word, Clay fell into the bank, letting the gooey substance slither over his scales.

"That's my Clay, alright." Peril agreed. "The lover of mud and food." 

"I love more things than just mud and food," he retorted. 

"Like what? Cows?" she questioned, laying next to him in the mud. The rain had nearly stopped, but the sky had grown darker. 

"No," Clay grinned. He studied her for a moment. 

"Then what? I'm a curious dragon Clay, do tell me what you love more than food and mud." 

"Well, there's this." He explained, leaning over and kissing her. As their lips locked, the sky decided that it wasn't done raining yet. Rain started to pour down, but neither one of them cared as the kiss deepened.

Hours later.....

Sunny paced the floor of the entrance of the school, frowning. 

"Sunny, relax. He's probably just sleeping in mud somewhere." Starflight insisted.

"He better be. I am not in the mood for another disaster." Tsunami declared. Sunny sighed.

"Fine. But if he's not back by m-"Sunny stopped talking as Clay landed in the entrance, covered in mud and rainwater, a smile on his face.

"Where have you been?" Tsunami demanded. Clay only grinned wider.

"Everywhere." he replied vaguely, wandering down the hall. The others exchanged a glance. 

"We'll interrogate him tomorrow." Starflight suggested. They agreed and walked down the hall, heading for bed. After they were gone, Peril landed in the hall, also covered in mud and water. She laughed silently and shook her head, quickly walking down the hallway to her sleeping cave, although knowing very well that she wouldn't be sleeping tonight.

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