Turtljou One-Shot (Kinda)

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It was summer break for the students of JMA, and Turtle, knowing his family wouldn't notice if he returned home or not, decided to spend the break somewhere he was wanted. Somewhere he wanted to be. Or, more accurately, with someone he wanted to be with. He was spending the break in the Rainforest, hoping that his crush on Kinkajou wasn't as obvious as it seemed. Moon insisted that it was, but Kinkajou was too clueless to notice. The thought was meant to be reassuring, but it only made Turtle worry more. 

But there was something he was determined to do before they went back to school. 

Something that was more terrifying than anything else he had ever done. Even Darkstalker paled in comparison to this.

And to think, all it was was asking a simple question.

He wanted Kinkajou to go out on a date with him. 

He knew, of course, that she'd say yes. But he felt the need to ask someone's permission first. It was the proper thing to do. Winter and Qibli had both asked Secretkeeper's permission before dating Moon. Even Riptide had asked- although he had asked the other Dragonets of Destiny, rather than facing Queen Coral's wrath. The struggle for Turtle was that Kinkajou had been raised by the entire Rainwing tribe, not just one dragon. He could probably just ask Glory for her permission. That was bound to work, right? It's not like he could ask every dragon in the rainforest for their permission.

........Or could he?

An idea toyed in Turtle's mind. Kinkajou would laugh at him for it, but he was willing to do it.

He'd do anything for her. 

For Kinkajou.

He smiled, just thinking of her. He thought a bit longer and nodded. It was time to put this plan into action.

The Next Day...

"Next!" Glory called out with a sigh. Answering questions was always the most boring time of her day. But things got a bit more interesting when Turtle walked through the door. Glory straightened up, regaining a regal look that fitted a Queen. Slouching wasn't excepted in the presence of other royalty, no matter how insignificant said royalty was considered. 

"Prince Turtle," She addressed him. "What can I do for you?" He wrinkled his snout.

"Please just call me Turtle." he insisted. "And I'm actually here to ask you for your permission."

"My permission for you to do what?" Turtle paused.

"I'd like to ask Kinkajou out." he admitted. "On a date. I thought it would be wise to get the permission of the dragons who helped raise her." Glory smiled.

"Turtle, Kinkajou wasn't raised by me- she was raised by the tribe as a whole." 

"Exactly." Glory, Deathbringer, and the rest of the guards in the rooms looked at him with confused expressions. Turtle glanced around before catching on. "I plan on asking every Rainwing in the tribe for their permission. I figured you were as good a place to start as any."

Deathbringer stared at him. 

"You're going to ask every rainwing for their permission." he repeated.


"Well, I'm no rainwing, but you've got my vote." he declared, grinning slyly at Turtle. "You would make a nice apprentice for me. Someone I can pass my incredible flirting tactics onto." 

"Deathbringer!" Glory interrupted, shooting a quelling glare at the Nightwing. He smiled cheekily at her. Glory sighed, rolling her eyes, and turned back to Turtle. "Alright. You have my permission. And since you're here, you might as well ask the guards." 

Turtle smiled as each of the guards gave their approval. He thanked Glory and left, intent on finding more dragons to ask. He walked through the village, stopping and asking every dragon he passed. 

"Hey Mangrove." he greeted him.

"Hello Turtle." Mangrove replied.

"Can I ask Kinkajou out on a date?" Mangrove smiled slowly and smugly. 

"Of course! Here's a tip- find out her favorite things: fruit, flower, color, etc. and have them all there wherever you go on your date." 



"Tamarin, is it okay if I ask Kinkajou out on a date?" Tamarin's eyes narrowed.

"If you break her heart," Tamarin warned. "I may be blind, but I will still kick your ass!" Turtle's eyes widened.

"Duly noted!"


A few days later, Turtle was confident he had asked every rainwing in existence- except the one that mattered the most. 

A little while after suntime, he met up with Kinkajou on a Rainwing platform, a shy smile on his face.

"I have a question for you." he announced. Kinkajou smiled, her scales a pale yellow with peaceful happiness.

"Ask away! I love questions." Turtle paused, taking everything in. She just looked so perfect to him, the fading sunlight matching with her scales.

"Would......would you like to go on a date with me?" Kinkajou lit up.

"Of course I would!" she exclaimed, practically tackling him. "You could've asked me that ages ago!"

"I would've, but it took a while to get everyone's permission." he admitted. 


"I wanted to get permission to ask you out by the dragons that raised you."

"....But the whole tribe raised me."

"Yep." Kinkajou gaped at him.

"Did you really ask every dragon in my tribe if you could ask me out?" 

"Yes." She smiled.

"You're awesome." she declared, pulling him in for a kiss. After they broke apart, she looked at him curiously. "Did anyone say no?"

"Just one dragon."



"Why would he do that?"

"He said that the last time he let someone go on a date with someone he knew, he walked in on them making out."



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