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You roll off your bed and land harshly on the ground, banging your head against your nightstand in the process. That you were clumsy was an understatement, but let's just go with that for now..

You smash the 'off' button for your alarm and sulk on the floor, closing your eyes until your damn sheets fell right on top of you along with your pillows. "Of course.." you grumble as you tried escaping the sheets, but to no avail.


"I KNOW MOM JUST HOLD ON!!!" you scream at the top of your lungs as you tried wriggling free of the sheets and pillows that were on top of you. You heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs, then someone flinging your door right open. "WAKE U—(Y/n)? Where the fuck are you?" you pop out your head from somewhere in the big pile, making poor Inosuke almost get a heart attack.

"Rise and shine! Can you help me?! I'm literally stuck—" he starts letting out waves of hysterical laughter, and you watched with a deadpanned expression as he held his stomach from how much he was laughing.

You groan with annoyance, trying to wriggle the rest of your body free and out of the new hole you created in the pile. "Ino, if you don't help me we're going to be late to school.." you were interrupted by his laughter, an irk mark appearing on your forehead.

"I swear to god Ino-fucking-suke.. if you don't help me I'm gonna beat your ass." he drops to the ground as he keeps laughing, not even letting you continue. You growled like a dog on a leash and finally sprung free from the pile of blankets and pillows, drop kicking him and strangling him to the ground.

"I told you if you didn't help me I was going to beat your fatass!" you exclaimed in between small punches, then you kept on hitting his chest and body. Which somehow made him laugh even harder for some reason.

"Okay, I'm serious. We're gonna be late." you blurt out randomly, your messy hair getting in your face.

"You can leave without me though. I have to take a shower.."

"Can't you just fucking change??!"

You shake your head 'no', and he whined with frustration. "Alright, fiine. Don't come crying to me if you get kidnapped!" he calls as he goes down the stairs, informing your mother on how he was going to leave without you or else he would be late.

You heard her thank him and walk him out to the door, chuckling to herself by how much energy the boy had in the morning. You quickly rush to the bathroom, shutting the door and turning the shower on. Undressing and brushing your hair out afterwards.

You tie your hair up in a neat bun so that it won't get wet, and step into the warm waters. Already splashing soap onto your hands and cleaning yourself up. And after the quickest shower in history, you step out and dry yourself up as quickly as you possibly could. Sliding on your underwear and bra afterwards.

You slid on your thigh high socks, along with your skirt and blazer. You sigh, untying your hair from the tight bun and attempting to style it into some cute ponytail. You groaned with frustration when it didn't work, deciding to just do a low ponytail to ease out the fluff and frizz.

"Phew.. finally!" you fist bump the air as you quickly brushed your teeth, spitting out the toothpaste afterwards and rinsing your mouth. And after a couple more minutes, you step outside of the bathroom. Already running to your room (which was a complete mess by now) and diving around to find your school bag.

I'm gonna be late!! And it's only the first day of my stupid second year!!

You silently panic, almost tripping down most of the steps and running towards the island in the kitchen, grabbing a toast and slipping it into your mouth.

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now