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"Yes... I do remember.." you answer while letting out a sigh, looking around as more people started entering the restaurant since it was finally the afternoon. But that meant fancy dates would start taking place inside.

You heard your cousin hum in response before letting out a sigh. "Yeah, we'll be taking a train in around 2 days or something like that. Am not too sure, I forgot." you nod your head, processing the new information.

"Okay. Who's coming with you though?" you asked, voice caught in your throat as you remembered the attractive friends him and his sister have. "Uh.. Akaza, Douma, Kokushibo and Nakime." he answers, clearing his throat.

"I don't think I'll be able to bring the rest of the gang though. They're all busy doin random shit for around that time." you hum, lips pressing together as you got a bit excited. "Fun, fun.. Where will all of you sleep though?" you asked again, wondering where they will actually sleep since in your kind home there's only one extra and empty room... Which is the guest room.

"Uh, Akaza and Douma could probably crash in the living room... Daki and Nakime could sleep with you while I'll sleep with Kokushibo." he answered quickly, muttering some curse words to himself as he thought hard on where everyone would sleep. You nodded along, still questioning where they would all sleep comfortably.

Oh well. I could sleep with Akaza...

...what the fuck is wrong with me.

"Anyways, I better get goin' to pack up some shit... I'll see you in a few days I guess." you hummed, letting a small smile appear on your lips.

"Cya, (N/n)."

"Bye bye, Gyutaro." you said before hanging up, turning off your phone and shoving it back into your pocket. You made your way back through the restaurant, and quickly hurried over to your table once you spotted it.

"So? What was the urgent call about?" Giyuu asks you as soon as you had settled back down on your seat, and you only squealed mentally on how adorable and caring he was acting.

You hum, shrugging your shoulders nonchalantly. "It wasn't really something you'd call urgent.. But it was about my cousins and their friends coming over in a few days for Christmas, since it's next week." you explained, going back to finishing the rest of your food before leaning back against the seat.

The male only hummed, nodding his head with understanding as a small tick mark appeared on his forehead.

"I don't know how you can deal with your cousins and their ass of friends." you sigh from his statement, knowing damn well why he was sort of worried about you.

Since the last time they came over. You got drunk.. Really drunk.

It was so fun though!

"I mean.. It was a bit entertaining..." you mutter, only for your whole being to flinch as the group slapped their hands against the table at the same exact time.

"What?!" Sanemi was the first to shout, and you blinked as you threw your hands up defensively. Regretting ever saying anything about the dumbass of a cousin you have calling you.

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now