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After answering the gazillions of messages on your phone and calling your parents, you were now able to properly relax with your boyfriend in his room.

"So.. what did you tell them!" Tanjiro exclaims once you walk into the room, smiling from ear to ear. You couldn't help but smile back, you could never resist his pure smiles.

"I told them how I'll just be staying with you for the rest of the weekend until your family gets back, because I want to spend more time with you. Surprisingly they understood and didn't question me much," you explain to him, sitting beside him.

Tanjiro hums, nodding his head. "...I'm guessing that's a good thing that they let you stay? I sure as hell don't mind!" he exclaims again, and you only giggle before shoving his shoulder jokingly.

"Why are you so enthusiastic suddenly? What's makin you be so excited?" you question with a snort, watching how his eyes became brighter.

He rolled his eyes teasingly at you, a smirk on his lips. Your heart rate slowly increased from noticing that.

"Because you make me happy, silly! Of course I'll be so enthusiastic around you.. you're the moon to my sun."

Your eyebrows rose from processing his words - the blush on your cheeks becoming very noticeable by this point. "I-" you wanted to say something, but no words that were in the dictionary would come out.

I want to cry.

Butterflies churned in your gut, the feeling so pleasant yet giddy at the same time. For the first time, you felt different around him. Not that bad kind of different, the good kind of different.

Don't get me wrong; he always made you feel this way, but something within you as changed.

What the fuck is this..?

Tears brimmed in the corners of your eye. "T-Tanjiro.." you sniff. "..you're going to make me fucking cry!!" you wail out, your face crashing onto his chest while he started panicking.

"W-WHAT?! OH NO! I AM SO SORRY! WHAT DID I DO?!" he starts worrying, shaking his hands everywhere. But you only continued to hide against his chest, your face still a deep red.

"W-Why are you so sweet?! This world doesn't deserve you, god damn it!" your voice muffles out, Tanjiro freezing from the vibration of your voice.

He blushes, looking away while he places his hand on the top of your head. "I-I don't know if that's a compliment or not, (N/n).." he mutters, still blushing madly.

You smile, pressing your face harder against his chest, making the two of you fall back on his bed with you on top of him.

You happily wrap your arms around his waist, your cheek rested comfortably against his stomach while your legs were tangled in his.

The dark haired male sighed, getting in a more comfortable position with an arm underneath his head, while his other arm was placed protectively on your back.

He smells so sweet..

You couldn't help but catch a good whiff of his amazing scent, it was so intoxicatingly addictive. You've never been so physically close with him.. I guess this is a first.

Letting out a relaxed breath, you nuzzled up closer. Tanjiro smiles slightly when noticing that small action of yours.

"It feels as if nothing has really changed between us,, you know?" you tilt your head to look up at him from his stomach. "What do you mean?" you question.

He shrugs his shoulders. "Nothing, just mostly talking to myself.. still can't believe after so long you're finally mine." he admits, and you blush again.

"Tch, don't get so cocky now, mister." you grumble, glaring at a random spot on the wall. Tanjiro chuckles airily, lovingly caressing your head.

"Mhm, I might as well be cocky! You're fucking gorgeous!" he exclaims, taking ahold of your chin in his hand before he turns your face upward to face him.

Your eyes shone with affection, meanwhile his had an undying desire for you. You adjust yourself so your faces could be closer, since you knew that's what he wanted. But you didn't know what for.

His eyes look at every detail of your pretty face, catching you glancing at his lips every now and then.

"Beautiful," was all he said before engulfing your lips in a sweet and gentle kiss. You flutter your eyes close and lean against him, tilting your face to match his movements.

You moved your lips in sync with his, the rhythm full of passion and softness.

He smiles against your plumpness before pulling away, rubbing his thumb against your smooth cheek. You lean against his hand, batting your eyes tiredly at him.

"Tired?" you nod, a yawn coming out of your mouth not soon after as if proving your point. He nods with understanding, letting you fall to his side.

"Okay, you go ahead and rest then. I have to run to the pharmacy." he states softly before giving you a kiss on the forehead.

You blink, "what for?". "Some plan b's and pregnancy tests for you just in case, don't want to get you pregnant just yet." once again, this man made you blush like crazy.

You look away from him to try and hide your red cheeks. "Y-You don't need to do that.. you pulled out anyways, remember?" you stutter, but he only shrugs his shoulders.

"I know, I just want to be more careful with you.. I don't want to make you have extra responsibilities just because of me." he explains, smiling shyly at you.

You awed at the sight, pulling him in for a tight hug. "Awww, look at you being so responsible! I love you, you know that right~?" you cooed out, smirking at him while his ears turned red.

"I-I.. I love you too.." he whispers shyly, and you only giggle in response before pecking his nose. "Now, go and get whatever you're getting. I'll be here," you tell him, getting comfortable in his bed.

Tanjiro sighs worriedly, hopping off the bed and leaving the room.

Not to mention the blushing mess he had of a girlfriend.

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