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"Because I like you, Mui-Chan!"

A gust of small wind blew by, blowing his long hair along with his bangs away from his face while he stood there stunned. Processing what you had just said.

"What..." that's when his face erupted into a deep red, lips spread into a thin line as they slightly trembled from his fluster.

You blink, tilting your head slightly to the side as you looked at him with pure innocence. It's as if you had turned into a 7 year old girl.

"You—I—What?!" Muichiro stammered over his words while he stuttered furiously, turning away from you in a rush as his eyes lightly shook.

"(Y/N)! There you are! Why are you here so—" your mother's voice trailed off as her eyes landed on Muichiro's, utter confusion now glimmering on the pretty woman's face.

"Are you the new neighbour?" Muichiro nodded politely, thankful to whoever gave him the strength to calm down his nervousness.


"Well how lovely to meet you! What's your name?" your mother asks sweetly as she leaned against the doorframe, smiling brightly.

Muichiro looks up at her and calmly introduced himself, giving her a small and nearly unnoticeable smile.

"Ara! Tokito-kun, it's good to meet you! I'll have to come by sometime and introduce myself to your family!" your mother exclaims happily, still with that bright smile.

"Tell me, do you have any siblings?"

"Yes, a twin brother who's name is Yuichiro."

"A twin brother?! My, my! That sounds so fun!! But it must get annoying at times, huh?"

"Yeah, very.."

"Would you like to come inside? If you want I could give you a cup of tea or hot chocolate?"

Muichiro glanced at you before he glanced back at your mother, accepting her offer with a small bow.

You smile before groggily stepping into the warmth of your home, your new found friend trailing behind you.

I still feel so tired..

You yawn as you nearly tripped over your own feet, your mom catching you before you hit the floor. "Are you okay? Did something happen?" she asked you worriedly, but you only yawned in response.

"Actually.. there is something that happened, (L/n)-san.." Muichiro had spoke up, looking down at you before sliding off his shoes.

Your mother only blinks, raising a brow with suspicion. "Oh? Like what?" she muttered, leading the male over to the living room as she urged him to sit down. Which he did and plopped himself down carefully onto the couch.

You sat down beside him, unconsciously leaning your body against his as you fell asleep against him.

He sighed, lightly glaring at you before his eyes landed back on your mother's.

"So... Why is she like this?" the woman finally asked, sighing as she looked at your now sleeping self.

"She told me on how she takes sleeping pills, and apparently she took too many last night and now they are kicking in."

Mama (L/n) gaped at the new found information, making her let out a sigh once more as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I can't believe she took too many.. I've already warned her about the pills and how dangerous they can be if you take too many.."

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now