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**that reminded me of y/n. idk why


It was your turn now to fume with anger and frustration. All that anger and frustration that was building up inside of you had made you unable to sleep comfortably at night anymore.

Making you shift and turn on your bed, and even feel no comfort when it came to the darkness anymore.

It all felt so cold.. All because of the feelings you tried your best in patching up and hiding. Locking them away and not showing anyone what it really was that you were hiding.

You no longer felt sad, but instead you felt all this furious hatred—all this hatred for everything and everybody. And it made you frustrated since you didn't know why..

You didn't know why your love for Tanjiro only became stronger. Overpowering all your senses, your veins, your brain—your heart.

Your heart would be screaming his name 24/7, never ceasing and never hesitating either. It called out for what it wanted.. which was the man that stood stunned infront of you.

All the anger, jealousy and frustration from those two feelings combined was blinding you. Blinding you away from what you truly wanted to say and do.

You wanted to tell him how much he meant to you, and you never ever thought of replacing him. Muichiro was just someone you felt oddly connected to in the friendliest way possible.

You didn't feel any attraction towards him at all. The only attraction you've ever felt for anyone as strong as you've been feeling has always been towards Tanjiro. Always.

You sigh irritatedly, grunting as well. You huff, and instead take in deep breaths. Finally being able to slowly but surely calm down your fuming self.

You look up at him, his eyes already looking at yours. In his head, he was more upset at himself than at you.

He had smelled all of your emotions almost instantly, now feeling guilty since he knew he was the one that had made you that way. By accident, of course.

Most of the time of him knowing you, he hadn't even known this was going on. For some reason he couldn't be able to detect your love for him since you hid it away so well, which only resulted in you feeling all this stress.

Since you were basically neglecting your own feelings.

"I'm so sorry.. (Y/n)-Chan.." were the words he had been able to muster up and say to you. And unknowingly did that put a small smile on your face.

Finally he had apologized about one thing; the others were still for him to find out on his own. If he did find it out on his own it would only show how much he really cares and 'likes' you.

We should probably go and eat..

Sighing, you gave in to the thought since you noticed how your belly rumbled a bit. Yet your fists were still tense as they continued to clench. You were still furious.

You look up at him again, making him nearly flinch as you instantly jabbed a finger to his chest. "Look, I'm going to be real fucking honest with you buddy. There is food waiting for us downstairs—but that doesn't mean this conversation is over. Got it?"

How your voice turned extremely dark and almost hypnotic made a shiver spread along his body, Tanjiro stammering a bit as he grew nervous of that look in your eyes.

He knew that when you were angry angry you were quite the force to not mess with. But that was with others. Now it was directed to him specifically.

For his dumbass actions AND words. Maybe even feelings. Who knows.

The male obliged to your request, dipping his head a bit with both shame and fright.

"Yes ma'am.." he whispered, and your eyes widened. A blush soon dusted over your cheeks, but you ignored the butterflies and exited the room.

You made your way downstairs and towards the dining room with Tanjiro trailing behind you like a lost puppy. Clearly still traumatized from your threat.

You waved at everyone but almost nobody at the table had noticed yours and Tanjiro's absence, they were all engulfed in either eating or conversations.

Phew.. thank go—

Before you could even thank the heavens however—your father had secretly looked up at you from his food, eyes glaring into yours as he quickly glanced at Tanjiro and back at you.

Obviously asking you telepathically what the fuck you guys had been up to in his bedroom.

You nervously smiled before you glared at him, as if telling him telepathically that nothing had happened in that way.

Well, something did happen—but it hadn't turned into anything like what he had been implying.

Your father gave you a proud nod before going back to his eating. Looking back up at you as if suggesting for you to do the same before someone did notice yours and Tanjiro's absence.

You quickly sat down at an empty seat, not knowing of the new person that had joined the dinner.

A pair of eyes quickly look up from the food and at you and Tanjiro as the two of you sat down at the exact same time and even worse—across each other.

The girl's eyes twinkled before she raised a brow at herself, realizing their absence while she watched secretly. Noticing every single time you and Tanjiro avoided eye contact—even stammering if your hands touched in any way.

She started growing suspicious, eyebrows now furrowing as she continued to stare at the whole ordeal. Lips pursing into a small frown as she grew silently angry. At Tanjiro, and at you.

She had already spoken to Kanao, hearing out her side of the story meanwhile she had already heard of her brother's side. And she grew all the more angry and frustrated as she glanced between you and Tanjiro's small interactions—something must have happened.

Not necessarily sex -which obviously didn't happen- but rather some sort of spark between the two.

Something that now caused them to be this awkward...

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