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Tanjiro opens the door to the changing room abruptly, his eyes glaring at you and Inosuke as the two of you remained sitting on the sink, taking selfies and doing random shit.

"Inosuke.. (Y/n)..." he sighs, making you and Inosuke quickly get off the sink and get out of the changing room, heads hanging low. You knew Tanjiro was serious if he never put a 'chan' or 'kun' at the end of anyone's name.



"But I—"


You glare at the male with a small hmph and walk out, Inosuke trailing behind you. "What a kinky motherfucker." Inosuke lets out a loud wheeze from your words, Tanjiro raising one of his brows from the sudden outburst.

"Now what did you do or say.." he sighs again, placing a hand on his forehead as if he was getting a headache. You cover your mouth to not let any snickers out, watching intently as Giyuu paced back and forth, lost in thought.

He was apparently so lost in thought that he forgot how to walk and tripped over his own foot, twisting his ankle and falling face first to the ground.

You couldn't take it anymore as you dropped down to your knees, Inosuke joining you as the two of you let out loud waves of laughter. Tears were even forming on your eyes from how hard you were laughing.

"I—I can't..—" you mutter in between gasps as you kept on laughing, Inosuke rolling on the ground next to you. "I—Ino.." you mumble out as you kept on letting out snorts and wheezes, him doing the same.

You had a small picture pop into your mind of when the two of you were younger, running down the streets and yelling at random strangers. That however, makes you laugh even harder and ended up in you colliding against Inosuke, who was still rolling around the ground dying.

The two of you paused for a moment, just staring at each other before erupting into another fit of loud and hysterical laughs. Yet Giyuu was already standing in front of the two of you, tapping his foot against the ground while his arms were crossed against his broad chest. A small bruise formed on his forehead due to the fall and a small, pink blush dusted his cheeks from the embarrassment.

"Ahem.. (L/n)-san.." the man mumbles out, his eyes narrowed and slightly glaring at you. You immediately stop, Inosuke doing the same as the two of you sat there dumbfounded. "Care to explain the commotion..?" you clasp a hand over your mouth as Inosuke did the exact same thing.

All it took was one look at each other, and the two of you got at it again. Rolling across the floor, laughing like absolute hyenas. "Kamado-san, can you explain to me what's going on..?" Giyuu asks the boy, who just shook his head, regretting his life choices.

"I think they saw how you face planted onto the ground and just lost it.." Tanjiro informed innocently, forming his lips into a flat line as he stared at you, who was still having a fit.

"..You saw that too, didn't you?.." Giyuu hides his face with shame, his cheeks reddening again. Tanjiro nervously chuckles, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "What are we going to do today, Tomioka-sensei?" Tanjiro softly asks the gym teacher, who hummed in thought. Tanjiro internally fist bumped himself from changing the subject so smoothly.

And at last, Giyuu finally replies after taking longer than necessary in thinking about his response. "10 laps around campus for warm-up, then I'll get Hashibira and (L/n) to do push-ups and sit ups afterwards, all the way until break." Tanjiro's eyes widened, sweatdropping as he stares in dismay at the two figures who were STILL laughing hysterically.

"Alright you two!" Giyuu yells, making you and Inosuke stop right away and stand up straight, acting as if you were in the military. "You two will see your consequences soon enough.." Giyuu grumbles, glaring at the two of you.

"But Da—I mean Tomioka-sensei!" Inosuke lets out a quiet and quick snort, noticing how you were about to call the teacher Daddy. Giyuu blinks blankly at you, confused as to what you had been trying to say.

"What was it you were going to call me?" he innocently asks, slightly raising one of his brows. Your cheeks immediately heated up, Inosuke smirking triumphantly from the evil plan he just came up with.

"It's nothing, T—Tomioka-sensei.." you stutter out, and right when Giyuu was about to dismiss the topic—Inosuke said the following words that shattered your heart into millions of pieces from both embarrassment and anger.

"She was gonna call you Daddy." he emphasized the word 'Daddy', making your cheeks explode into a deep red. Tanjiro clasps a hand to his mouth to prevent himself from saying anything else, noticing how steam was ready to come out of your ears like a hot kettle.

However, Tomioka just stood there, dumbfounded and slightly confused. "Daddy? Sorry, (L/n), but I'm not your father." you immediately burst out laughing, along with the dumb boar man beside you. Tanjiro tried holding back a couple of snickers—which didn't work out very well.

But all Tomioka had to do was send him a glare to shut him up, which worked like any other time. "I honestly don't understand what's so funny about that.." Giyuu sighs out, shaking his head.

"Teenagers these days.." he mumbled, walking off towards the middle of the gymnasium, looking at his watch intently as students kept on coming out from the changing rooms or from wherever they were. They all eventually started to settle down onto the bleachers.

You, Tanjiro and Inosuke following along the crowd and picking your spot a bit further away from the rest of the students. "Alright. Is everyone out from the changing rooms?" everyone nods at their teacher, but you just yawned and rested your arm on Inosuke's shoulder, while he was just resting his head against the wall beside him.

"This is gonna be boring.." you whisper into his ear as the teacher did attendance, ignoring everyone as they said their 'I'm here!'. Inosuke agrees, giving you the side eye as you try not to laugh at how funny it looked.

"(L/n) (Y/n).." Giyuu says rather loudly, making you almost fall frontwards and down the bleachers from surprise. "Yes Da—TOMIOKA." you aggressively corrected yourself, only making your cheeks heat up with embarrassment.

"Uh—I mean..—I'm here.." you mumble out, ignoring Giyuu's blue eyes that were blinking with an entertained glint.

"Alright.." he dismisses the situation as he continued on with attendance, Inosuke snorting beside you while Tanjiro padded your head comfortably. "There there, (N/n)-chan.. it's alright.." he says soothingly, slightly playing with your hair. But you didn't complain.

You always loved the feeling of Tanjiro being close to you.. In fact, you always have. But to tell him, that was the main issue..

"Alright, everyone line up and lets get our 10 laps around campus done!" you felt your eyes widen from Giyuu's orders, everyone groaning and grunting while the athletes just shrug it off and smiled proudly as they started their laps.

"Oh fuck.." you mumble out, Inosuke nodding as he stands up with a grunt. "LAST ONE TO FINISH IS A ROTTEN PIECE OF SHIT!!" he yells after you as he sprints out the door, knocking over a couple students who were trying to peacefully make it outside.

You growled, clenching your fists and sprinting after him.

"YOU'RE SO DONE YOU ASSHOLE!!!" you screech as you race after him, knocking over any person that was in your way from beating the stupid boy.

And finally, you pass him with a whoosh, flipping him off as you kept on sprinting full speed down the corners of campus, not caring if your body ached and begged you to stop.

"(Y/N) YOU FUCKING BITCH!! C'MERE!!" he yells from behind you, but that only made you go faster and round through the corners once again, Inosuke at your heels.

Tch, this bitch..


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