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He watched how you slept soundly, lashes layered smoothly over your eyelids as if they were painted on. You snored ever so softly, face completely relaxed into a peaceful expression.

The male blinks along with letting out a small sigh, sliding off his blazer and wrapping it around your shoulders. Yet his eyes widened as he saw you simply snuggle into the warmth of the blazer with a small smile.

His heart thumped loudly in his ears, yet he couldn't tell what the fuck was going on.. And why his body was reacting the way it was.

He leaned his chin on the palm of his hand as he listened to Rengoku teach. Yet his mind was elsewhere as it thought of those plump lips of yours.

How soft they looked. He couldn't help wondering how they'd feel against his own...

"MUICHIRO-SAN?" Kyojuro's sudden shout of his name made him nearly fall off his chair, but he blinks in response and realized the whole class was looking at him.

"Uh.. Could you repeat your question?.." Muichiro muttered out, letting out a small and inaudible yawn before trying his best to focus on what the question was.


His voice faded away as Muichiro quickly lost interest and day dreamed elsewhere, Kyojuro noticing this mid-speech. A small irk mark appeared on his neck, eyes closed as the golden boy forced a genuine smile on his face.

As soon as he was about to scold the boy however—he responds with his answer.

"..Isn't it Kibutsuji Muzan..?" Kyojuro, stunned, opens his eyes with a small 'o' shape forced on his lips. But that shape quickly turned into a big and bright smile, saying thank you to the boy for answering his question and went back to his teaching.

"Ara, ara~... Tokito-kunn~~.."

Your voice caught the male off guard, but he still looked down at you since your arms were sprawled all over the desk. Your head was lying on it as well, eyes looking up at his.


"Tokito-kun... Your hair is really long!~ I should braid it!~.." the way your voice kept trailing off so smoothly down your tongue made Muichiro shiver, along with a certain someone who shivered too.

Out of jealousy.

"Oi... 'Pachiro.. Are you okay?" Zenitsu whispered to the burgundy haired boy, who only made a small 'hmph' sound in response as he snapped his head away from your direction.


"I'm fine."

Clearly he wasn't fine.

The way he side glared Muichiro as you continued your oddly seductive talking, how there was a small tint of pink on Muichiro's cheeks—he was done.

Tanjiro stood up abruptly from his seat, causing it to drag loudly against the ground. Clearly making a loud and obnoxious sound and interrupting Kyojuro's lesson.

"Ah, Kamado, my boy! Is something wrong?" Rengoku asks, furrowing his eyebrows with a bit of worry as he nervously smiled at the clearly fumed boy.

Tanjiro only forced a smile on his face, closing his eyes while doing so before asking the teacher to go use the washroom which he said yes to and watched the boy head out of the classroom. Kanao noticing silently the way Tanjiro's overall mood had changed.

Sighing, the boy speed walked over to the male's restroom. Quickly splashing water on his face as soon as he had gotten inside.

He pressed his palms against the counter, water still running in the background as Tanjiro stared at himself in the clear mirror. His hair was now a complete mess since his bangs had gotten wet due to him splashing water all over his face.

His burgundy coloured bangs now covered his birth mark, and most of his left eye. He breathed in deeply, and let out a long sigh.

Tanjiro also groaned, running his hands down his cheeks in distress before shaking his head. He sighed again before drying his hands with paper towel.

He stepped out the bathroom, trying his best to brush his bangs back—but to no avail.

So he let it be, eyes twitching with annoyance as the bangs fell down again. Covering the top half of his face.

.⋆𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟⋆.

Your eyes were weary as you fell back to sleep, but as soon as you heard the classroom's door slide open you couldn't help but let your eyes flutter open due to curiosity.

But as soon as your eyes met Tanjiro's gaze, butterflies immediately started to flutter around your stomach.


Your eyes widened a bit as a blush spread along your cheeks, lips spread as you took in the Greek god that suddenly replaced the innocent and adorable Tanjiro.

His hair was as messy as usual, but his bangs were the messiest and most noticeable feature he had now. The bangs covered most of his forehead and eyes, a few strands even covering the bridge of his nose.

Your mouth smoothed into the shape of a thin, straight line. "Please take a seat, Kamado.. You're distracting most of the class..!" Rengoku exclaims softly, still with a small and sympathetic smile on his lips as he watched Tanjiro comply with his orders and get to his seat.

The teacher then resumed his lecture, yet you were stuck in a daze. Side glancing Tanjiro did you become even more red, the picture of his messy bangs covering most of his eyes making you a flustered mess.

"(Y/n)-san.." you blink, snapping back to reality before averting your eyes smoothly to Muichiro's. He had a monotone expression, but his voice was still quite soft when he spoke.

"You can continue to sleep if you want, I don't really care.. I'll even take notes for you too if you'd like," your eyes glimmered as a huge grin broke itself onto your lips, leaving the male confused but flustered.

"Really? Thank you so much, Tokito-ku—"


You pause as you stared at him, eyed wide. "You can just call me Muichiro, dumbass. I have a twin, remember?" he deadpanned, poking your cheek teasingly with his pointer finger. You huffed and gently moved his finger away.

"No need to call me a dumbass, bozo." you mumbled with a teasing smile, using your arm as a pillow to rest your head on. Then you drifted off to sleep once more.

Muichiro gently smiled at himself, slowly averting his eyes back to the board and the mighty Kyojuro as he continued with his lesson.

Yet the Tokito twin found himself feeling drowsy, and eventually fell asleep too. His head resting dangerously close to yours.

"..What the fuck?" a certain someone had whispered inaudibly to himself, digging holes into the back of Muichiro's head as he glared intensely at him.

Zenitsu flinched, visually shivering as he didn't dare tease Tanjiro with the current state he was in.

Never had he heard him curse so naturally before either.

" Tokito Muichiro.. You're dead." the blonde whispered to himself, lips formed into a thin and skinny line before he shakily took more notes on what the teacher was saying.

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