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You feel yourself being gently placed on your soft and comfortable bed, which made your eyes slightly flutter open when remembering how you were supposed to be in school. But to your surprise, once you had fully opened your eyes, you were met with Inosuke and Tanjito just staring at you. With worried faces.

You blinked, noticing you were in your room. "Rest, I know you're tired out. You might as well sleep now and catch up later!" Tanjiro whispers softly, plopping down beside you as Inosuke just stared, stunned and not knowing what the fuck to do.

You blinked again, but your eyes were too droopy with drowsiness. "..Okay," you mumbled out groggily, passing out as soon as your eyes closed again. Not noticing how Tanjiro had let your head fall onto his chest.

Tanjiro let out a small breath when feeling your body subconsciously snuggle up closer to his, wrapping him up in your warmth while you snored softly. "What is it that got her so tired..?" Tanjiro asks Inosuke while trying to brush off the butterflies in his gut, but the boy in question was just standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. Staring at you and the burgundy haired boy.

The pretty boy blinks when scratching the back of his head sheepishly, not knowing how to answer. "I—Uh—... Good question..!" Inosuke nervously answered, letting out an awkward chuckle afterwards before running out. Not wanting to be beaten to death by none other than you if he told Tanjiro the truth.

Tanjiro sighs, now watching as you slept calmly. Continuing to let out small snores every now and then. You looked so peaceful, he was quietly enjoying what he was looking at.

But doubt would always cloud his mind the more he looked at you. He noticed how your face seemed so sad when you slept. As if you were constantly having a bad dream.

"Maybe that's what it is..?" was all the boy muttered, before continuing on being silent as he let you rest. And yet he continued to wonder why you seemed to be having so much trouble sleeping for the past weeks. It wasn't really considered normal.

You'd always be falling asleep immediately after staying awake a couple hours since he knew of how much you loved nighttime more than daytime. That's one of the first things he had learned and admired about you; how you were quite unique when it came to the night and it's terrors.

Usually, a normal and 'sane' person would be afraid of the dark when they are at a young age—that fear could even stay with the individual until they are adults, maybe even older. But with you.. you never had that fear of the night and it's mysteries.

When young, Tanjiro remembers how you'd always be far more relaxed and composed during the night than you would be during the day. You'd always be looking up at the moon, and admiring its small and bright companions. The stars.

That's the one thing he's always bound to love about you—your nyctophylia.

Smiling at himself, the boy slowly stands up from underneath you. Gently planting your head against the pillow as he shifted your body into a more comfortable position.

Tucking you in, he rested his hand against your warm cheek. Letting the warmth of your soft skin melt his cold fingers before he pulled away and walked out of your room. Leaving you alone to have the much needed rest.

He made his way back to school, but his mind kept nagging him about something. He knew that something wasn't right with that sudden insomnia you've had.

Tanjiro only wonders then, what triggered your insomnia?

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