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After a few more hours of yelling, laughing, and just pure smiles of joy, all of you are now settled down in your room. Huddled in blankets as you all spilled some hot juicy tea from school, or just drama in general.

"I heard about this girl that has a HUGE crush on Tanjiro! I forgot her name though.. it was something like Panao? Tanao? Eanao? Beanao? Yeah, I dunno." Inosuke sighs, rubbing his forehead as he tried remembering the girl's name, but nothing rung a bell.

Then, your eyes widened as your heart sunk deep into your rib cage, your stomach twisting and turning.


The name of your fellow classmate and friend flashes through your mind, having you slightly question her even though she wasn't even present.

She would fit into our group quite nicely, along with Aoi...

You sigh, head swarming with thoughts. "Yeah.. hey, maybe Kanao-chan and Aoi-chan can join our group? I mean, they won't be part of our actual group.. But I think it would be nice to have a random friend group. I know for a fact that Aoi-chan is very cool and aggressive, much like you, (N/n)!" as if Zenitsu read your thoughts, he finished his statement, glancing at you with a playful smirk.

You roll your eyes, smiling. "Yeah. I know that, she's my bro!" you defend, earning a small chuckle from your friends. That made your heart slightly flutter, only for it to feel heavy as they continued with the topic.

"Kanao-san isn't too bad.." Tanjiro's small stutter of her name was enough to make your heart beat slower, your eyes narrowing. Zenitsu noticed this and gave you a reassuring look.

You smile at the gesture, then continue on hearing Tanjiro as he spoke. "She's very sweet.. and pretty.." he whispers the last part, his cheeks slightly reddening in the dim lit room.

Inosuke notices that however, and gives you a quick glance, knowing that must've completely shattered your self esteem. "Uh—Yeah.. she's gorgeous, honestly! I'm surprised she doesn't have a boyfriend yet!" you tried sounding cheerful, which completely worked and made Tanjiro's eyes slightly brighten, a smile casting on his lips.

"I am too.. I'm surprised you don't have one either, (Y/n)! You're quite beautiful yourself!" those words made your heart beat quicken, and your face became beet red.

"..I'm really not.. but thank you, Tanjiro-kun..!" you shakily stuttered out, staring intensely at your hands that were on your lap. "Mhm! Sooner or later, you'll be inviting all of us to your wedding!!" he exclaimed innocently, attempting to tease you. But you had other things in mind.

And you'll be the groom..

You smirk fro your thought, and as if Inosuke and Zenitsu could read your mind, smirks appeared on their faces. "..Yeah.. who do you think the groom will be though, (y/n)?" Zenitsu asks you with a teasing tone, knowing exactly who you were planning on marrying.

"Tomioka-sensei. Or maybe even Rengoku-sensei would be a good husband too.." you place a finger to your chin thoughtfully, your heart warming up as they all snorted. "Yeah, in prison." you smack Inosuke's knee playfully, earning a 'hmph' from Zenitsu.

Then, you felt yourself yawn and stretch your arms over your head, suddenly becoming drowsy. "Alright.. let's get all situated for bed. Or, well, at least I will." you mumbled out sleepily to the group, who just gave you a small nod in response.

"Yeah.. my voice kind of hurts.."

"Pfft! No shit! You were screaming practically all day today!" you retorted, Zenitsu backing you up. Inosuke sighs, defeated while hopping off your comfortable bed. Going to look for the blankets and pillows.

"Let's go, mop hair and Nezuko!" he exclaims as he bursts out your room, Nezuko quietly following as Zenitsu ran after him, yawning on the way.

Clearly not noticing the new nickname Inosuke gave him.

"Goodnight, you guys!" you yell after them, standing in your doorway.

"Goodnight (Y/n) and Tanjiro! Sleep tight!" Zenitsu says from the living room, plopping down one side of the couch, blanket and pillow already situated.

"Goodnight (N/n) and Gonpachiro!" Inosuke yells, lying on his back on the other end of the couch, opposite from Zenitsu.

You shake your head, turning off all the lights that were left on, yawning as you stare at the darkness while going up the stairs.

..it's so warm..

You silently think, not minding at all as the darkness grew deeper around you, as if comforting you in an odd way.

You shake your head to snap out of your thoughts, going into your room to see Tanjiro waiting for you.

"Hey.. so, inside or outside?" he asks you once you shut the door gently behind you, walking towards the bed. "Inside," you simply answer, diving into the side of the bed that was beside the wall.

Tanjiro smiles at your actions, plopping down beside you. "Alright.. you do you." he says jokingly, wrapping himself in your warm blankets while you did the same.

He turned off your night lamp and settled himself into a more comfortable position, not noticing how you were staring at his relaxed face.


"Hm?" he blinks open his eyes, being met by your glowing (e/c) ones as you stared deeply into his soul, catching him off guard.

"Can we.. cuddle?" you shyly ask, covering your mouth with the blankets so that he could only see your eyes and eyebrows.

He feels his cheeks slightly heat up, but he didn't waste any time on saying yes to your offer. You silently squeal excitedly as you shuffle towards him, already resting your head against his toned chest as your legs intertwined.

His body radiating a nice warmth that made your eyes feel even heavier then they already were.

"I'm glad you're sleeping with me.." you whisper, letting your hand snake it's way across his chest.

His eyes slightly widen, staring at how your bodies fit so perfectly with each other.

"..I'm glad I'm sleeping with you, too.." he admits shyly, letting his eyes close.

"Goodnight, Tanjiro-kun.." you managed to say before completely falling asleep, not noticing how his arm had snaked around your waist and pulled you even closer to him.

"Goodnight, (Y/n).." he says, his voice raspy, which made your eats slightly perk up by how handsome the sudden change to his usual gentle and soft voice sounded.

And with that, the two of you drift off into the dream realm..

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