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"Yes, ma.. everything is fine."

You sighed into the phone, watching as your friends played Minecraft on the TV. You held in a laugh once Inosuke was bombed out of existence thanks to Zenitsu.

"Good, good! Well, the reason why we're not home is because me and your father decided it was best to just leave you and your friends alone at the house.. Since, well.. I know that you're on your period so I want you to be as relaxed as possible." your mother exclaims from the other side of the phone, a hearty laugh being heard from your father in the background. "We'll be staying with a few old friends of ours for the night. We'll be back tomorrow by lunch time, so take care!" she says again before hanging up abruptly.

You smile and turn off your phone, heading over to where Tanjiro was waiting for you on the couch. You plop down beside him, munching on the popcorn as you watch Zenitsu and Inosuke scream at each other.

"I feel bad for the neighbours." you randomly stated, laughing at Inosuke and the fact on how badly he sucked at Minecraft. "How long are we planning on staying up?" Tanjiro suddenly asks you, and you avert your eyes from the screen to his gaze.

"Hmm.. I don't know. Whenever any of you guys want to go to bed I guess. Mom said that she'll be staying with a few friends along with dad, and that they'll be back tomorrow by lunch time.. So we have the house to ourselves." you explain, still munching on the popcorn.

Tanjiro nods, averting his eyes back to the screen. You catch yourself staring at him, but quickly turn your attention back to the screen. "Alright.. Hey, maybe we can order some pizza? Lucky for me, I brought my wallet!" Tanjiro exclaims, looking at you again.

You blinked, "What?! There's no way I'm letting you pay!!". He rolled his eyes playfully at you, ignoring your statement.

"I'm still gonna pay! You've been very nice and welcoming, especially since it is my first time over at your house after a year." he tells you, eyes sparkling with excitement. You sighed, deciding to give in.

"Fine, fine.." you mumbled out, shoving more popcorn into your mouth. You placed the bowl between you and Tanjiro, and he happily popped some popcorn into his mouth. "Ino.. how do you not know how to play Minecraft..? That's the game I expected you to be best at!" you said to your friend as he raged, Zenitsu laughing triumphantly as he kept on killing the poor boy.

"JUST BECAUSE I COME FROM THE WOODS DOESN'T MEAN IM NATURALLY GOOD AT MINECRAFT!!" he screeches, spamming random buttons. And alas, he finally managed to kill Zenitsu for the first time in the one hour of playing.



Inosuke throws food at Zenitsu's face, who got completely distracted and killed by Inosuke once again. Hysterical and witch like laughter began coming out of both yours and Inosuke's mouths. Tanjiro lets out a defeated sigh, staring at you as you laughed and teased your other friends, Nezuko just sitting back and observing.

"I'll go call a pizza delivery.." Tanjiro says to no one in particular, standing up and grabbing his phone from the coffee table. Heading to a corner in the kitchen where it was more quiet.

He dials up the closest pizza place and orders once they picked up, still watching you from a distance. Secretly admiring your smile that spread from laughing at Nezuko's silent treatment towards Zenitsu.

"Zeni, just take the hint and leave poor Nezu the fuck alone.." you mumbled to him, and he simply whimpered before going back to raging since Inosuke finally kept on killing him with his pickaxe. You shake your head, patting Nezuko's head as if reassuring her.

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now