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"Ano.. (L/n)-Chan.."

You stare wide eyed at the teacher as she silently glares at your answer and then back at you. Long moments of silence made the class tremble from the intensity between you and Shinobu, your eyes even watering.

She gave you a small and sympathetic smile before she parted her lips to speak. "..That answer is wrong." laughs quickly emitted around the classroom, your eyes nearly popping out of their sockets from humiliation.

"I—What?! How..?!" you exclaim, stuttering as you pointed at the board and then back at the teacher. She only smirked, eyes glimmering as she continued to embarrass you.

"Simple. If you continue to not pay attention in my class, of course you'll always get the answers wrong, (L/n)-chan!" she simply stated, patting you mockingly on the back as she beckoned for you to take a seat.

"Detention for you after school, my lovely!" she calls to you before erasing your answer on the board and calling other students to answer it correctly. Yet you already wanted to leave and ball your eyes out in the bathroom.

Fucking hell.. today's been GREAT.

Sighing, you couldn't help but airily chuckle from the sarcasm in your thoughts. You truly did want to die.

"Uhh—My bad.. (N/n).." Zenitsu softly whispered from behind you, and you only sigh before turning around to look at him. Not really caring if you were caught or not, you already had detention after school anyways. What could be worse than that?!

"It's fine. I don't really care, don't really feel like seeing my mom after school anyways," you whisper back, completely honest in what you said.

The blonde only gulped before nodding, shakily going back to writing notes as you only stared back at the board. Nearly falling asleep.

Yet as soon as Zenitsu's eyes went wide—he had looked at you with both confusion and realization.

"Wait a minute.. you never got to tell me what happened at Tanjiro's house?" he had whisper yelled at you, and your eyes only grew wide as a deep blush fumed on your face.

Ah shit.. busted.

"I uhh.. What do you mean..? Nothing happened..." you muttered, nervously and softly tapping your finger against the table.

The male behind you only deadpans at you before suddenly grabbing a random strand of your hair and yanking it towards him.


You quickly slapped a hand onto your lips, eyes about to explode out of your head as you stared at a very concerned Shinobu Kocho.

"(L/n)-Chan? Are you alright..?"

You pursed your lips into a thin flat line as you dipped your head with shame, Zenitsu trying to contain his snorts and chuckles. Meanwhile Aoi only stared at the scene with a fat irk mark on her head.

"I—Yes.. Sorry, I just accidentally stabbed my hand with the pencil.." you whisper, voice squeaky as your face grew even redder from embarrassment.

Im going to murder him..

"Ah! Okay, I'd rather not ask how that odd noise came out of your mouth!~" she exclaims before skipping away happily, leaving you there to rot with the backstabbing bitch you had of a best friend.

Slowly turning around to face the blonde, he only gulps with fear at the shadow that casted over your eyes.


𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now