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this chapter doesn't make any sense.. but bare w me please..**

You huff out air as soon as you stepped inside the mall's sliding doors, only for your eyes to widen since you were practically crushed into a big hug that was initiated by none other than Misturi Kanroji. "KYAAAAA!! (Y/n)!! I missed you so so so much!!" the woman exclaims as she continued to hug you, and Obanai had noticed the way you were struggling to breathe.

So, him being the dad he is, gently told Mitsuri about your new mission. Which was to breathe properly.

"Oops.. Hehe my bad..!" she said with a sheepish grin, patting your head softly as you giggled in response. Flashing her a thumbs up before you were engulfed in another hug, this time from Kanae Kocho.

"I missed you lots, (Y/n)-chan!!" was what she softly exclaimed, your cheeks heating up as you smiled up at her. "I missed every single one of you..!" you finally say, still having that big smile on your face.

Rengoku was the next one to engulf you into a tight hug, but you had grown embarrassed since he had shoved your face into his muscular chest by accident. "I'm glad you came, (Y/n)!" he exclaimed, flashing you his famous and bright smile. And all you could do was squint your eyes as you swore his smile was blinding you from being all too bright.

"Tomioka!!" you finally exclaimed as your eyes were met with a pair of restless and deep ocean blue ones, which quickly widened in the slightest as you pulled him into a tight hug. "I missed youuu~!" you cooed, poking his cheeks as he frowned.

Can I like.. graduate already so I can marry this beautiful man?!

You were snapped out of your thoughts once you got a scolding from the teacher you've always simped for. Everyone's eyes widened as you proceeded to pull Giyuu into another hug, but it seemed he had done it first.

"I guess you missed me too, eh?" you exclaimed again, smiling from ear to ear as the much taller male gave you a head pat. "Perhaps.." he muttered, small tick mark on his forehead as he let go of your waist. Leaving you a flustered mess.

He smells good.. must be the cologne..

You shake your head, snapping out of your thoughts as the rest of your older friends engulfed you in a proper greeting. It made your heart sore as you wished for a certain someone to do the same thing.

.⋆𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟⋆.

"So... why did you all want to gather again?" you asked as you munched into your fries, now currently sitting between Mitsuri and Giyuu. Currently you along with the group were sitting down on one of the many tables there were at the food court.

The ever so flamboyant Tengen could only shrug his shoulders in response as he concentrated on eating instead, fuchsia eyes sometimes meeting (e/c) ones.

Blinking, your lips formed into a thin line. But you still continued on eating your desired food.

"Say, (Y/n).. You have a flamboyant crush on that Kamado kid, right?" Uzui's sudden words made you almost fall off your chair, eyes bewildered as you grew both embarrassed and flustered.

"I—Huh?! And who told you that?!" you exclaimed, already growing defensive. The man could only smirk playfully at you, glancing at Obanai and Sanemi as they smirked back.

"That Agatsuma kid. Well, he didn't tell us directly.. But he was shouting about how you loved Tanjiro so much and stuff this one time in the class he had with me." everyone around the table flinched as you spat out your drink, your eyes completely wide as multiple tick marks appeared around your face. Veins throbbing as you grew angry.

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now