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"Don't tell me they're already here..."

To say you were anxious was an understatement... But who doesn't get nervous when it comes to their cousins' friends coming along for Christmas?!

You quickly and carefully finished styling your hair, making sure it wouldn't frizz up and get completely ruined from nothing. You undressed as fast as you threw a pretty dress on since tonight you along with your cousins, their friends and your parents, would be going to a fancy restaurant for some dinner.

Ugh... Why am I so damn NERVOUS?!


Mentally screaming and emotionally panicking, you slid on your thigh high and black mesh socks. Now standing up straight and checking yourself out through your mirror, making sure you looked at least decent enough.

There was no one to impress.. Right?

"(Y/n)!! They're here!" your mother calls, trying not to be too loud and embarras herself like how she usually would when it comes to shouting at you. You yell an "Okay!" back, spraying some of your favourite perfume around yourself before grabbing a coat from your closet.

You draped it loosely on your shoulders before opening your door, legs slightly shivering as you instantly grew cold. Unlucky for you, you had just recently shaved and now your legs felt like they were getting stabbed by millions of cactuses.

You weren't one to dress all fancy, neither did you really like to wear dresses and skirts all the time since they make you feel exposed and a bit uncomfortable. But events like these were an exception..

You slowly shut your door, not wanting to make a huge scandal when all you have to do is simply go down the stairs and try to absolutely not fall while twisting your ankles like the many times you've done.

Oh god... Here goes nothing chat.

Yolo bitch!!

You take a small step forward, tinted lips formed into a thin line as you peered over the staircase. You heard many voices as your parents greeted everyone and welcomed them inside.

You let out a shaky breath, deciding to not be a pussy like Zenitsu and gracefully began descending the stairs. Mentally praying to god to not let you fall and embarras yourself like how you usually would.

Everyone's eyes landed on you as you came into view, still trying your best to not fall as you continued your trek down the stairs. Eventually making it to the end and folding your hands nervously against your abdomen.

(E/c) irises scanned the new faces as you stayed completely still, as if too scared to even blink.

Okay.. (Y/n), breathe..

You breathe in and out silently, finally letting a small smile curl your lips upwards in a very 'fancy' manner. Looking like a beautiful cat underneath the golden lighting.

"Hi.. Haven't seen you guys in a while..!" you finally said, eyes landing on your cousins as they quickly made their way towards you with wide open arms.

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now