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"Be mine, (Y/n).. just for this one night.."

Your eyes widened as your cheeks along with your ears immediately reddened. A giddy smile appeared on your lips, and your lashes fluttered from feeling butterflies in your gut.

"Be yours to do what?" you whispered back, and he only let out a deep chuckle before he twirled his finger around a strand of your hair.

"Well.. You know, whatever you want and that he can't do.." you felt your knees grow weak from his words; was he really serious? Did he mean it?

You let out a small gasp as he suddenly picked you up by your waist and placed you on the counter where the sink was. Your exposed thighs melted against it.

"...Go right ahead then, do as you please. No one's stopping you." your words were laced with the tension that rose in the air, the silence eating away at your eardrums as his eyes locked with yours.

Looking for any lies in your drunk gaze.. But all he found was the entire truth.

Your heartbeat rung in your ears as the two of you stared at each other, unspoken words silently breaking into the hot air.

You parted your lips to speak—but was interrupted by his soft and plump ones roughly meeting yours with need and desperation.

Your eyelids fluttered as he pulled away, his breath already becoming ragged as he smirked at you. A smirk you could never get tired of.

You immediately placed  your lips back on his, glad that this time you were the one that initiated it.

Your lips found themselves moving on their own, as if they knew what they were doing even though this was your first time doing something like this with someone.



You hesitantly pulled yourself away as he eyed you with confusion and slight worry. Worried if maybe he had hurt you or made you feel uncomfortable in any way.

"It's okay if you want to stop, I'm totally fine with tha—"

"Genya-kun.. You stole my first kiss..." your eyes were dilating the more you looked into his own, noticing how a new glimmer appeared in them as he smirked again.

"Oh yeah? I'll take it easy then.. Don't wanna scare you.." he cooed out smoothly before letting his hand slide up to your chin, tilting your face towards his as he placed his lips on yours again.

But you wanted more. You didn't care if this was your first time, you were desperate for him. You wanted more then just sweet pecks and smooches.

You close your eyes as you lean into him more, sliding your hands up to his face as you parted your lips in sync with his.

It was as if his body was mirroring your own needs—the sexual and loving needs.

You let out a small groan as he gently (and playfully) bit on your bottom lip, a small smirk on his lips as you pull him back onto you. Becoming more needy and bothered.

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now