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"You're my new neighbour, correct?"

You blink, sighing before you answered with a nod. "Yeah, I guess I am." you muttered, not paying any mind to any other conversations as you simply ate your lunch.

Fucking hell... today's been so long...

Sighing for almost the millionth time, you continued to daze off while eating your food dryly. "What's got you so down all of a sudden?" Zenitsu had spoken up, and you only shrug your shoulders in response.

I don't know.

"It's nothing. I'm just tired." you said, not even looking up from your food. The only time you looked up was when you heard Tanjiro's voice. But looking up only made you feel more down, since his hand was interlaced with someone else's.

Of course they'll be holding hands, (Y/n).. they're dating.

You roll your eyes from your inner voice, deciding to just shut up both mentally and physically. "That Kamado kid is pretty dumb when it comes to math," Yuichiro says in between large bites of his peanut butter sandwich.

"Mm, I guess..?" you mumble, this time letting out a yawn as you grew very tired once more. Your head was pounding with a harsh headache, a lot going on in your mind.

Yuichiro only hummed in response, noticing your bratty attitude and deciding not to really pay attention to it. Or well, just you in general. But Muichiro instead of engaging in the conversations was staring at you.

With his chin leaned elegantly on his palm, his minty eyes remained on any movement you did. But you were too busy eating and being tired to notice these things.

Man I can't wait to go home and nap.

The idea of napping made your mood brighten in the slightest. But the twin that was staring at you noticed the small twinkle in your eyes. Though he didn't know why your eyes twinkled, he knew something must've crossed your mind that you liked.

You've only known him for the past 4 hours, yet it feels like you've known him for longer even though you have only met him today.

You immediately finish eating and pack up your belongings, leaving your friends quite troubled on your sudden actions after being so quiet. "Huh?! Where're ya goin?!" Inosuke was the first to ask, but you only waved him off.

"I'm only going to put my stuff in the next class, I'll catch you guys later. Bye." you said quickly, smiling slightly since you were going to catch up on some sleep.

"I'll go with you, we have the same thing next period anyways (L/n)-san." Muichiro's voice startled you, but you complied and give him a small nod before continuing on walking to your next class.

You walked ahead of him, noticing how he was quite the slow walker. And yet he tried his best in catching up, but you had snickered with amusement and instead decided to slow down for him.

The male blinked, a small irk mark appearing on his head before he sighed. "So, what's your excuse?" you glance at him, clearly puzzled on what he meant.

"You know... Why you suddenly wanted to leave." he explained, glancing at you with no expression. Your eyebrow twitched.

"HUH?! WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!" you exclaimed, knitting your brows together as you jabbed a finger accusingly on his chest. The taller male only deadpanned, pushing you back by your shoulder.

"Could you calm down? Fuckkk, you're giving me a headache.." he muttered, glaring at you before looking ahead again. You grimaced, balling your hands into fists before shouting again.

"AND YOU THINK YOU ARENT GIVING ME ONE?!" you gently kick his ankle, and the male only ignored you before looking back at you. "Can you be all depressed again? I miss that side of you already, it was so peaceful.." Muichiro bluntly stated, making your eyes go wide.

"I—Huh?!" was the only thing you mustered up to say before erupting into a small blush.

sadistic much?!

"Why are you even blushing?"

You flinched as he leaned towards you, your faces really close. You blink profusely, processing the situation as you grew embarrassed. That caused what used to be a small pink hue turn into a dark red one.

The male blinks with amusement, still with a deadpanned expression. "Bro.. Could you maybe move?! Uh—Your breath stinks!" you exclaim nervously, pushing him away with a hand to his chest.

"Huh?! Why are you smellin my mouth-"




The small conversation ended with him facing forward again, an annoyed expression on his face which caught you off-guard.

How nice.. the first emotion I ever see on his face has to be annoyance.

You snorted silently from your thought, walking side by side. The silence was very comforting, and for some reason that pounding headache you had subsided.

You felt at ease with Muichiro, but you didn't want to admit it. He had unknowingly gotten you out of your overthinking, entertaining you out of that state.

A small smile laced itself onto your lips, eyes looking down at your feet. Muichiro side glanced you, raising one of his eyebrows as he noticed that random smile on your lips.

"What are you smiling about?" his voice caught you off guard, making you visibly flinch before shouting at him defensively. "Hey! Why do you always have to be so damn random?!" he deadpanned from your words, an imaginary question mark appearing on the side of his head.

"Huh? How was that random? It was a simple question.." he trailed off, sighing as he grew frustrated. You roll your eyes, playfully poking his shoulder as you walked into the empty classroom.

Well, not so empty since Rengoku was sitting behind the desk typing away on his laptop. But hearing footsteps the golden man looked up almost immediately, a bright smile already plastered on his face.

"OH, (Y/N) AND TOKITO! WHAT BRINGS YOU HERE!" he exclaims, and you sweatdropped before smiling brightly.

"We're just here to nap before lunch ends, if that's alright?"

"Huh? How'd you know I was gonna nap—" you glance at Muichiro, the corners of your mouth curled upwards with the smallest of effort.

Your eyes seemed bigger and brighter, the male silently awestruck by the way those (e/c) irises of yours shone.

"Well since you already knew I was gonna leave the chaotic table and take a nap, I guessed you came with me since you wanted to catch up on some sleep too." you explained, still with a small smile on your face.

Muichiro, too stunned to speak, only stared at you quietly for a couple of more seconds before looking away. Nodding at your words.

Kyojuro blinked as he noticed the small change in Muichiro, so he smiled softly to himself before conversing with you while the long haired male went to sit at a random desk.

Yet on the other side of the closed door stood a specific someone, leaning against it as his fists shook. The jealousy that was making his heart ache was making him loose his mind, burgundy eyes lightly shivering.

".. Shit..!"

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