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You quickly take off your clothes and hop into the shower, Nezuko staring at her reflection in the mirror. "I'm glad you invited us, (Y/n)-chan." she simply states, side glancing you with a gentle, and closed smile.

You nod from inside the shower, not knowing if she would see it. "Well of course! You guys are welcome here any time, specially since my parents literally love every one of you!" you exclaim, scrubbing your body with soap.

She nods, the smile never leaving her lips. "So..." she trails off, smirking at you. "You like Nii-san, don't you?" you pause your movements and let the water wash off the soap on your form, the drops sliding down the curves and dips your body had to offer.

"..Yes... I have for quite some time now.." you admitted with a small sigh, quickly washing your face before stepping out of the shower. "Ah.. I knew it!" Nezuko suddenly exclaims, slightly jumping on her toes with excitement.

"I always thought you liked him since well, you know.. You're always so much bolder and flirty with him than with the rest of us!" she says again, her soft voice slightly soothing your troubled mind. You smile as you turn off the shower, Nezuko tossing you your towel once you stepped out.

"Thanks for coming in here with me!" you thank your friend, who just nodded and started undressing. "Anytime! I have to take a shower too anyways!" she giggles, turning on the shower again and letting it heat up into her desired temperature.

"I shouldn't have turned the water off then.." you say sheepishly, drying yourself up before sliding your panties halfway up to slip on a medium sized pad.

"Don't worry about it, you didn't know!" she exclaims before tying her beautifully long, dark hair into a tight bun. Stepping into the shower afterwards and gently shutting the glass door.

You smile at her, sliding on a pair of shorts along with a big shirt. You didn't even bother wearing a bra, it was just your friends over for the night anyways. And it's not like they've never seen how your nipples poke out of anything you wear for sleeping.

"Do you want me to stay in here and wait for you?" you ask Nezuko as she washed her body, her face as well not soon afterwards. "It doesn't really matter to me, you do what you want," she answers simply as she finishes showering and turns it off, stepping out not soon afterwards.

You hand her a clean and new towel, watching as she carefully dries her smooth body with it and then starts putting her pjs on. You sigh, untying your hair from the bun it was in. You began brushing it out neatly, not really caring about how it looked.

"How was the first week of your second year?" Nezuko asks, standing beside you while she brushed her hair out and tied it into a small, and loose ponytail. "Decent, could be better though. I already have a lot of missing assignments." you shrug as you replied, grabbing your now damp towel and placing it on the drying rack.

"Plus, I don't really have the mental capacity to always do the work in class." you finished, walking alongside her as you open the door and turn the light off for the bathroom, going down the hall to where the boys were waiting in the living room. Nezuko nods from your statement, slightly sighing in mention of school work.

"If you want, I can ask Nii-san to help you from time to time on your studies? You guys do have a lot of classes together, and he's very good at explaining stuff. Not to mention smart!" she talks proudly of her older brother, smiling. You nod, thinking it wouldn't be terrible to have Tanjiro help you every now and then.

"I'd love that, lowkey. But don't worry, you don't have to ask for me, I can do it." you reassure her, watching as she gives you a nod along with a small hum. "Alright, you boys can go ahead and shower. I'm sure Inosuke already knows how the shower handle works.." you tell them, who just nodded and went upstairs to your room to grab anything they needed before going to the bathroom.

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now