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Inosuke's yell from the main entrance echoed throughout most of the neighborhood, including the inside of your house. But you ignored it, sobbing into your pillow from pure distress and annoyance because of your best friend's very stupid actions.

By this point, Tanjiro now knows of the secret feelings you've had for him in years..


You flinch and almost jump out of your bed, sighing once you heard all the footsteps that were coming up to your room. "(Y/N)!! OPEN THE FUCKIN DOOR!!" Inosuke yells, trying to 'gently' open your locked bedroom door. But you didn't answer.

Then it all goes quiet as your friends listened to your small sniffles from the other side of the door, their eyes widening. "(Y/n)-chan.." Aoi finally whispers, knocking on the door gently.

"Let us comfort you! ...Please." Aoi begs, Nezuko frowning as she clenched her fists. And alas you unlocked the door, but quickly jumped back into your bed. Wrapping yourself up in your blankets.

The four friends of yours barged into your room, letting out sighs of relief to see you alive. Zenitsu was the first one to wrap you up into his arms, which made your eyes widen while the rest of them followed. Pulling you into a tight group hug.

You smile as you wrap your arms around Inosuke, who sighed as he let you snuggle into his chest. "We're sorry on breaking in, but we had to comfort you!" Aoi states, crossing her arms against her chest.

Her royal-blue eyes staring right into your (e/c) ones, as if reminding you silently of that one conversation you and her had a few years back...

Aoi and (Y/n) happened to be playing around on the swings, smiling and giggling since it was only them at the rather large playground in the Junior High they attended together. It was around 6 pm, and the two girls had been staying after school for a long time.

But, Aoi seemed troubled as her friend kept on laughing and giggling, her hair becoming messy from the small gusts of winds that would come through every now and then. "Aoi-chan? Something's bothering you, care to tell me what it is?" (Y/n) questions, slowing her swing down to be able to hear her friend's words.

Aoi sighed, but brought up the courage to look (Y/n) in the eyes. Even though her royal-blue ones were tinted with worry.

"You love him, don't you? Tanjiro-san, I mean." Aoi finally asks, watching as the girl beside her could only flinch, a dark red blush dusting her cheeks. "I—Yes.. I do.." she admitted shamelessly, a small smile appearing on her lips from the thought of the boy.

But that only made Aoi all the more troubled, narrowing her eyes while letting out a small sigh. "You're going to get hurt, (Y/n)-chan. He's a good guy, and girls like that these days.. a lot. He's attracting more and more by each passing day, how do you think it will turn out in high school?!" Aoi had reasoned, (Y/n)'s eyes widening from the thought.

She opens her mouth to defend him, but Aoi had taken the chance to speak before she could. "It's not the best decision to fall in love, especially if that boy is your own best friend since elementary, (Y/n)-chan! And I know you can't help it, but I'm worried that you'll only end up getting terribly hurt in the end!!" she had splattered out nervously, eyes wide as her lips trembled.

"..I don't want to see you hurt, even worse if it's because of a stupid ass boy." Aoi adds, staring at (Y/n)'s wide eyes.
"Uh—I.." she stutters, turning her face away as she stared at her feet.

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now