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Tanjiro spoke from the other side of the phone, making you flinch.

Uh.. what do I say?

You had absolutely no idea what to do. Hearing his voice made your heart skip a beat, yet it made you feel uneasy.


You heard him sigh when finally hearing you respond, and you tried to remain calm.

"Go to sleep. Now."

Bruh? Who does he think he is?

"And why are you all worried about me all of a sudden?" you mumbled out, blinking profusely as you easily became annoyed. He sighs again, he was also becoming annoyed.

"Why do you even have to stay up so late?! It's like 2 am!! Go. To. SLEEP!!" he yells from the other side of the phone, your ear starting to ring.

He better shut the hell up or else I'll for real hit him through the phone.

You snort from your inner thoughts, but clear your throat. "I could be asking you the same thing you dumbass! And could you please stop yelling.." you grumbled out, turning to your other side.

"(Y/n) (L/n)!! I said go to sleep. The only reason I'm up is because I've been deadass worried about you and your well-being!! So, go. To. Sleep." he growls out, making a small smile tug on your lips.

"Good to know you've been worried about me. I've been.. sorta lonely." you shamefully admitted, hearing him sigh and you quickly imagined a frown on his face. It made your face heat up.

"(Y/nnnnnn)!! You know we're always available on hanging out with you!!" he complains, reassuring you.

"Yeah, I know... It's just that suddenly everyone is busy with talking to who they like and stuff, making me feel even more single." you sigh, lips formed into a thin line. You hear him slightly gasp, and small shuffling sounds coming from the other side of the phone.

You blink, squinting your eyes as you concentrated on hearing what was going on.

"(Y/n)-chan! You did say you liked someone, so why don't you go ahead and talk to them? Or if you want, you can talk to me about them!" he exclaimed, and an image of his soft and comforting smile flashed across your mind, your lips parting.

"Oh... Uh—Okay..?" you stuttered out, taking in a deep breath before letting it all out of your mind. "He's.. honestly the most beautiful boy I've ever seen. Always smiling, being kind and friendly to others... Only serious when necessary, which reminds me of a parental figure." you pause, hearing how Tanjiro hummed as if urging you to continue.

"He has such beautiful and big eyes, I could get so lost in them... Beautiful hair as well, with tanned and smooth skin, and a rock-hard head." you let out a small chuckle, feeling a small weight in your heart being lifted.

"He is always so kind to me, since I've known him since elementary... But I never knew I was so deeply in love, up until now.." you stop once more, hearing nothing but silence on the other end of the phone.

Little did you know however, his mouth was agape. Eyes were wide as a small blush was evident on his cheeks. He didn't want to guess who it was, since it could be rude. But he had a gut feeling that it was him.

"Uh—Is it.. Inosuke?!" he exclaims, face still holding a serious glare towards the wall. "Bro—What?? No!! He's my number one, of course it's not him!!" you exclaim, gagging at the thought of dating that odd boar man.

"Hm... Is it perhaps..."


Your eyes widened and you almost dropped your phone on your face, mouth falling agape. You were about to let out a very loud 'What', but thank god you clasped a hand over your mouth.

"(Y/n)-chan..? You.. You love me?" you didn't even know how to respond to that, so instead you let out a wave of snorts and giggles. They were obviously forced since you had a bewildered expression on your face.

"Haha.. you're...you're funny, Tanjiro-kun.." you say in between breaths, mentally calming yourself down so that you don't have a heart attack.

He chuckles, but his heart was aching for an unknown reason.

"Are you suuure~..?"

That small amount of tease however, made you a tomato's long lost twin. You were thankful he wasn't in the room, or else everything would have went out the window. Including yourself.

"Bro—I—Uh—Yes!.." you splatter out messily, blushing even harder from how badly you had stuttered. He hums from the other side of the phone, obviously not believing you.

"Ya know.. You seem to be quite flustered, (Y/n)-chan." his voice was slightly rasped since he had let out a yawn, causing his voice to be deeper than it's normal tone. Your lips quivered as you felt your entire body go hot, if even possible.

"Uhm—I guess?!" you stutter out again, mentally slapping yourself for being so vulnerable from just his virtual presence.

You heard him chuckle from the other side of the phone, making your fast beating heart all you can hear as it echoed softly in your ears.

"Well.. I gotta go, I'm too tired.. But if you ever need to call me, I'm here for you, (Y/n)-chan!"

Who would have known that those simple words would make a small tear slip out from your wide open eyes? Your lips trembled as you forces a smile on your face, more tears slipping down.

"Yes, o—of course.. Goodnight, Tanjiro-kun." you said shakily, inaudibly sniffling while you heard him hum in response from the phone, your heart shattering again.

He doesn't know what he does to me..

And will he ever know?

Probably not, since he's with Kanao...



"What would happen if.. I ever told you the name of the boy I like?"

Silence was present for a few moments before he responds softly.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, but I am rather curious to know who would steal your heart so badly! I honestly wouldn't mind at all, we're best friends for a reason!" you smile and let out breathy chuckles from his words, making him return the gesture.

Little does he know.

"Goodnight, Tanjiro-kun.."

How the boy's name.

"Goodnight, (Y/n)-chan!"

Belongs to him.

You hang up, throwing your phone across the room before hugging yourself tight.

Tanjiro Kamado, what the fuck have you done to me?


★⋆      .  ˚

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