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She parts her mouth to speak, her words filled with pain.

"You like me, but you love her."

His eyes shook as he quickly placed two of his hands on her smaller shoulders. Looking all over her face to see any sort of hint for a smile..

But she was completely serious.

"I.. Took someone that isn't mine, and I'm sorry both to you and (Y/n)-chan.." her lips trembled as tears unleashed from her eyes, yet she continued to avoid his intense gaze.

"I-I'm so selfish! I really thought I had a chance with you.. I really thought you really really did love me back! But I was wrong.. And I've only just realized that now." she wiped away her tears with a shaky hand, yet they wouldn't stop and continued to run down her pale cheeks.

"I was—I was so clueless of the fact I hurt her.. Someone who really stood up for me and understood me so well.. Someone I genuinely cared for as a friend and even respected—yet I failed to show that respect and instead stole the man that she loved from the very beginning!"

She paused as she hiccuped, yet continued to say everything she had been hiding for the past month.

"I remember the first time I kissed you.. You didn't  kiss back right away—I felt the way you hesitated, and I saw the way you immediately ran after her when she ran away crying because of my own selfish actions.." Kanao sobbed out, hands still trembling.

"Please.. Please go, and love her! She deserves it, after everything she's been through—she truly deserves your affection, your support.. Your warmth."

"I thank you so much, for the affection and warmth you gave me even when knowing I wasn't in the place to have it.. I really appreciate that so much, Tanjiro.."

"..But I'm not the right one for you, the right one for you has been waiting for you for so long—" her breath hitched as she felt his strong arms wrap around her shoulders, pulling her in for a tight hug as his eyes narrowed.

Kanao tried pulling away—but instead he held her there, giving her the last bit of his warmth.

"I'm so sorry, Kanao-chan.." she shushed him, looking up at him from his chest.

"Don't be, I should be the one apologizing.. All this happened because of me and my own selfish reasons—I had no right to stand between yours and (Y/n)-chan's feelings." she had said once more before letting go of Tanjiro and beginning to leave.

"So.. You're breaking up with me?"

Kanao halts and looks back at the man she loves, noticing how there was a sad glint in his eyes that broke her heart.

It showed that he did truly care..

Her heart began fluttering with butterflies as one last tear left her eye, but she wiped it away with her finger before giving him a warm smile.

"Thank you for showing me the love I had missed in a while.. I really do appreciate the effort you put into our relationship." Kanao states gently, watching how he looked down at his hands before looking back at her.

He shakily nodded his head, frowning slightly as he fidgeted a bit.

"But I should really leave, Tanjiro-kun. I'll be happy if we can continue as friends, but other than that, I'm sorry for breaking up with you in a very bad situation with your life.." her voice trailed off as she sighed, turning to leave before saying one last thing.

"I hope your father gets better, I'll get my older sisters to send him some medicine to make him feel better." she said one last time before walking out of the park, leaving Tanjiro alone with his own thoughts.

"Damn.." he pauses, sitting down on one of the swings simultaneously before a small tear rolled out one of his eyes, and he continued to frown as the feeling of guilt overcame all his emotions.

Guilty for not feeling the same way he feels about you towards Kanao.

.⋆𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟⋆.

You let out a loud yawn as you smiled to yourself, watching how Zenitsu and Inosuke built an odd looking house in your Minecraft world.

You didn't really care though, as long as they weren't arguing over some stupid little thing you wouldn't try bothering their peace. Yet.. You had this strange feeling in your gut.

As if your whole life was about to change, yet you weren't sure what on earth was happening that wasn't inside your fellow home.

"Oi, (N/n)! Do ya like it??"

Inosuke's voice popped you out of your mind bubble, and you tried containing your laughter at the scene laid out in front of you.

A sign that read 'Nezuko's feelings for Zenitsu', with a huge grave in front of it. "Uh—Thats beautiful, Ino-kun..!" you shakily exclaim, still trying your damn hardest to not burst out laughing.

Meanwhile the dumb boar man had already failed that and started cackling with laughter, leaving Zenitsu troubled on the other end of the call.


Oh shit, here we go..

You strain your ears as Zenitsu immediately started screeching with anger, fighting Inosuke with his wooden axe while Inosuke only ran away from him, tearing up as he died from laughter.

"I mean Inosuke.. You ain't wrong!" you said before completely bursting out laughing, tears in your eyes as you nearly pissed yourself with how hard you were laughing.

But the laughing immediately ceased as your mother bursted into your room, tears pricking the edges of her eyes as she sighed.

"(Y/n), darling, could you go ahead and start getting ready?" you blink before telling your friends to shut up since your mother was speaking to you, and they eagerly listened in to the conversation.

"Uhh, sure? What's the special occasion—"

"We're going to visit the Kamado family. Mrs Kamado just called, and has invited us along with you over for dinner at her place." she simply said, and you looked at her with slight worry as you noticed the sad and worried frown on her face.

"She uh.. She told me that.. Tanjiro's father is terribly ill and is currently stuck in bed before he gets sent to the hospital if it gets any worse..." your eyes widened, and the call grew instantly quiet.

Oh.. so it's gotten worse..

Your eyebrows furrowed before you told your two best friends that you'll be going, and they immediately respected your words and told you to call them when you get back.

You hummed in response, saying bye and hanging up. You slid off your headset before turning off both your PlayStation and tv.

You stood up and walked over to where your mother still stood, holding back tears as she bit down harshly on her bottom lip. A nervous habit she's had ever since she was young.

"Mom.. It's going to be alright, he'll be just fine.." you say soothingly before embracing her, your mother immediately hugging you back as she calmed down.

I don't blame her for being so upset.. her childhood friends are going through a lot..

You sigh from your thought before rubbing on your mom's back, slowly letting go of her as she did the same.

"I'm going to get ready, I'll be downstairs in a few. Does dad know?" your mother nodded before letting you go get changed, gently shutting your door as you heard her footsteps going downstairs.

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