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You stepped out of the car, trailing behind your parents as they walked up the driveway. They gently knock on the door before waiting patiently a few more moments for someone to open the door.

Your heart was beating fast, you were extremely nervous to see Tanjiro. You hadn't interacted at all ever since the incident that occurred a few days back and you were kind of worried on how he was doing.

After all—he was still one of your best friends.

The doorknob twisted and the door had softly flung open, and your eyes could only widen as you saw the one and only Tanjiro Kamado standing in the doorway. He held a welcoming smile on his lips.

"Thank you guys for coming! My mother really does appreciate your guys' company!" Tanjiro exclaimed before opening the door wider and stepping aside, letting your parents walk in before they chuckled at Tanjiro's actions. You stood frozen, too flustered to properly function as you gazed at his attire.

A white button up shirt with a pair of black jeans, adorned with a dark grey belt and a pair of black socks.

You gulp, noticing how his hair was neatly brushed as usual and he wore his classic pair of earrings as well. It all made your face redder. You were thankful for the scarf that was covering most of your face.

Jeez, at least smile at him or something..

Don't make it more awkward.

"I—Hey.." you silently curse at yourself for the stutter, but at least you had said something. Tanjiro looks at you up and down, gulping down his nerves before flashing you a nervous and small smile.

"Hi.." he says under his breath, scratching the back of his neck.


"Sooo! How are you feeling?"


You blink at the straightforwardness, but shrug it off and continued to try and cut the awkward tension.

"You.. You look cute." you mumbled, adjusting your body a bit as you crossed your arms. Tanjiro blinked before blushing a bit from the random compliment, darting his eyes away from yours.

"Thanks.. You look very pretty.." he trails off, anime sweat dropping as he grew shy. Which was quite rare.

You look up at him and couldn't help the small smile that appeared on your lips, thanking him softly before proceeding to the next random question.

"So..? How are you and Kanao-chan?"

"We broke up."

"Ah.. Damn..."



Your eyes quickly widened once you were able to process his words, but you began to stammer and stutter as you struggled to try and comfort him.

"Shit! Uh—I'm so sorry.. I didn't know that the two of you—I—"

"Hey.. It's fine, don't worry about it. Only happened a couple hours ago anyways." he swiftly said, waving his hands frantically in front of him. And he thankfully made you calm down.

"Oh.." you muttered, lips formed into a thin line as you blushed with embarrassment. He chuckled through his nose before he finally meets your eyes, a small and sympathetic smile plastered naturally on his face.

"So uh.. Are you gonna come in or..? It's quite chilly.." he shivered, proving his point as you just realized how cold it was outside with snow slowly falling down. They looked very pretty and graceful.

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now