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You smile as you looked at yourself in the mirror, ready to go downstairs to your living room where everyone was waiting for you.

Walking down the stairs, your eyes sparkled with excitement and happiness. A sight that warmed your heart.

Now, everyone went quiet as they all stared at you. You bowed your head dramatically before fully descending gracefully down the stairs. Smiling from ear to ear as warmth erupted in your heart from being around the people you loved most.

Especially on such a unique event like Halloween.

"So.. Are you guys ready?" you exclaimed suddenly, catching everyone off guard. Inosuke was the first one to bolt out the door, screaming like a complete animal as Zenitsu yelled after him.

Shaking your head you trailed behind them, ending up beside Tanjiro. Perfect coincidence.

"(Y/n)-chan. Hey..." he muttered, blushing underneath the moonlight as the both of you walked down the street. Everyone else already knocking on doors and getting candy.

Jeez, why he gotta be so awkward about it...

It's not something that major...

You roll your eyes, letting out a small humph before picking up the pace. Tanjiro widened his eyes in response, lips formed into a thin line before he catches up to you.

"I—Wait!" he exclaimed, only to be ignored by you since you were now arguing with both Inosuke and Aoi. They were planning out how to steal Zenitsu's candy..

"Guys.. Go get your own candy, damn it!! Look at all these houses ready to give you some!" you point out, sighing with irritation before the duo sigh in defeat and obey your orders.

Though you were the youngest.

"(Y/n)-chan!! You look so cute!!!" Nezuko had exclaimed, giving you a side hug before letting go of your waist. You giggle, patting her head lovingly before pointing at her pink horns along with her pink outfit.

"But you look so adorable!!" you had retorted, poking her cheeks before giving her another pat on the head. You smoothly turned on your heel and scanned the street filled with houses all around.

All having unique lights and Halloween decorations, obviously fitting the homes quite well. Perhaps you'd be able to shine as bright as those lights.

But, you already did shine. You were even brighter than those lights, maybe even brighter than the sun when it was nighttime.

And it was all thanks to him.

He walked behind you, watching every small movement of yours carefully. Noticing how your (s/c) skin was highlighted by the dim lights of all those posts and decorations around the houses.

He only wondered then—did you really move on?

Staring at your back, he sighed before ripping his gaze off of you. Only to immediately look back. Tanjiro truly didn't understand why you acted so cold towards him.

Now he couldn't even tell how you were feeling everytime he tried sniffing your emotions. Perhaps you had changed a lot, but he didn't like that change.

"Tanjiro-san? At what time will you be going home?"

You asked him ever so delicately, as if you were unintentionally soothing him out of his worries. But your voice alone made him feel worse.

Instead of calling him 'Tanjiro-kun' like how you used to, you now call him 'Tanjiro-san'.

Which he did not like that change at all. Neither did you.


You blink as your eyes widened a bit with surprise, looking at Tanjiro straight in the eyes.


"It's Tanjiro-kun, not Tanjiro-san."

Again, you blinked. But this time your cheeks became a bright pink as soon as you had processed his words.

"I don't even know why you added the 'san' in,
I'm not a stranger to you," he continues, sliding his cold hands in his pockets. He looked up at the stars, and your heart only ached at the way his eyes were a perfect reflection of the shiny night sky.

You wanted to apologize.. But he was the one that was supposed to. He broke your heart without even realizing it, so was it actually his fault?

You sigh, looking down at your feet. The small movement causes his attention to transfer to you from the stars, and you only glare harder at the ground.

Then, feeling his hand on your chin.. He tilted it up towards him, and your eyes widened as his lips delicately met yours.

Butterflies fluttered excitedly in your gut, while your eyelids slowly closed. Your entire body became hot as he pressed himself closer to you, making the kiss even deeper.

And just as you were about to fully kiss him back—

"Happy Halloween." he said simply after the sweet moment, pulling away and walking off as if that had never happened.

"I'M—WHAT—" you were left a stuttering mess, holding your lips as your face grew hot and a deep red.

Lucky you, he had been single for quite a while. Yet you didn't know.

Meanwhile Tanjiro was in the same state as you. A complete blushing and stuttering mess. Though he was the one that had made that first move.

But little had you also known, that 'trick or treat' for your friends had a darker meaning..


Which was either getting pranked or doing the prank. Thus poor Tanjiro ended up getting pranked into a dare, which was kissing you.


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