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Yawning, you slowly wake up from your phone's alarm vibrating nonstop. Forcing you awake just to turn it off.

"Hooray! Another chaotic day." you muttered sarcastically, rubbing your eyes as you stretch and hop out of your bed. Eyes still droopy with sleep and exhaustion.

"(Y/n), I left some food for you downstairs! Hurry up or you will be late!!" your mother's call from downstairs immediately forced you to fully wake up. Eyes wide as you quickly looked at the time.

Shit.. I slept in..

Muttering swears, you rip your current sleepwear off and throw on your uniform that hung against the closet. Your hair everywhere as you rushed your usual calm morning routine.

Ahh fuck.. I don't even know what I have first period!!

Throwing on a random pair of socks, your mind continued to stress as you nearly fell down the stairs. Trying to style your hair along the way.

Your mom only sighed from the sight of you messily getting ready for school, shaking her head as she fought back a laugh before heading out the door. Blowing you a kiss in the process.

You blew a kiss back before swallowing down the now cold breakfast, yet your stomach didn't seem to care. You were hungry, and you were glad there was food. Even if it was too cold to your liking..

Alas, you sprinted back upstairs and brushed your teeth. Spitting out the toothpaste once done and washing the toothbrush. Immediately jogging out and grabbing your bag along with your keys.

Nearly forgetting your phone as well, but you still managed to make it out of your house in one piece. You felt dirty since you didn't take a shower, but at least you had thrown on some deodorant and some perfume.

Even though you weren't really sweating much for the past month because of winter, you still liked to take showers for your own hygiene.
Just because you weren't sweating doesn't mean you can go one full week without showering.. That's kind of gross.

"Inosuke?! Is class starting??" you speak into your phone as your friend finally picked up the phone, and you could hear the bell ringing in the background on his end of the call.

"Yeahh.. I guess you could say it just did. Where the fuck were ya this morning though?"

You brace yourself for the amount of scolding you will get from both Zenitsu and Tanjiro once you got there—you could already hear them for god's sake!

"Uhh.. I may or may not have slept in.." you mumbled, and you only let yourself blush from embarrassment as Inosuke howled with laughter.


"Inosuke! No phones allowed in class!"

"...shit (N/n) I gotta go. Class is officially starting and the teacher is already up my you know what about it."

You snort, mocking his words in a childish tone before you hang up while saying 'see you soon'.

And thus, you threw your phone into a random pocket in your bag and started running as fast as you could down the street.

.⋆𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟⋆.

"I.. I made it.."

Heads turned towards you as you stood in the doorway for your first class, gasping air in and out from exhaustion.

Shinobu only sighed, shaking her head before dismissing you. Watching you with a firm eye as you stumbled through the desks to sit on your assigned seat.

Which was in front of Zenitsu, of course.

"Pssst.. (N/n)!" the blonde whispered behind you, and you only groaned silently as you glance at him over your shoulder.

"Good morning to you also, Zeni-chan.." you whisper back, trying not to get caught in speaking to the blonde.

Since Shinobu had absolutely forbidden for you two to talk in her class.. Yet she assigned your seats next to each other..? Teacher logic.

Zenitsu only lets out a small and sweet chuckle, "Morningg! Did you wash your face?" you shake your head no, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Uh no I didn't, I didn't even have time to properly wake up.. Why?"

He only snickered, trying his best not to be loud since he really wasn't feeling like spending time in detention for 3 hours after school.. It truly was hell.


"No, tell me right now you little—"

"(L/n)-chan~! Ara, not paying attention to the lesson I assume?" the teacher's words made you nearly have a stroke. You glanced up at her wide eyed as she stared at you from the front of the class.

"Now, come on up! Answer the question on the board!" she exclaims, having a sweet smile on her face. But you knew she was beyond furious at you.

You shakily stand up from your desk, flipping Zenitsu off from behind your back and walk up to the board. Face glowing in red with embarrassment.

Your social anxiety awakened when you slowly turned your head towards the class, their eyes glowing with amusement as they held back snickers.

..I hate my life.

You look back at the board, rubbing your eyes as you gripped the marker hard with shame.

The following question read; what is the volume for the following object?

And thus, you stare blankly at the drawing.. Assuming it was some sort of rock.

Okay okay.. go back to your notes (Y/n)—the question is telling you what the density and mass is..

So what's the formula for finding the volume..

You ponder for a bit, pouting your lips with concentration as you slowly held up the marker. Starting to write the formula down and placing the numbers in the right place.

Yet your eyes widened as you realized you truly did need a calculator for this question.. You weren't good when it came to mental math.

"Uhh.. Kocho-sensei, could I have a calculator?" you ask the short female in the politest way possible, but you remembered how much of a drama Queen she is..

Even worse since she loves to cause a ruckus, and right now she was doing that to you. Regardless if you were her friend outside of school.


"Ne, (L/n)-chan~.. I think you will do just fine without one! Your grade in math is actually quite impressive, so I'm positive you won't need one!"

Bruh.. she's worse than Sanemi.. at least he allows calculators in class.

Sighing, you give her a side glare before shakily writing down the rest of the formula. It was division.

Fucking hell.. why do we even need to do math in science class?! It makes no sense man.. I'm gonna cry.

You shakily let out a breath, staring wide eyed at the completed formula. All that was missing now was the answer.

You silently pray for guidance, you usually found division quite simple and mostly easy—but when you were put in such pressure first thing in the morning.. You truly wanted to die.

Staring back at the board with shame, you wrote the answer down. You were completely positive it was right.. but the way everyone's eyes looked at the board and then back at you with fear—that made you doubt your whole existence.

"Ano.. (L/n)-Chan.."

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