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You had gotten Zenitsu to just drop you off home, you weren't in the mood to be with anybody. Now you stared at your ceiling, face damped with tears. You kept on remembering the events from earlier that day, when Kanao and Tanjiro had shared their first kiss..

You had always day dreamed of being his first kiss, and how he would have been yours as well. But you were too late. Now he had found someone who he liked, and was now dating.

"Damn it!" you shouted as you punched your bed, placing your arm over your eyes as more tears came out. You felt so overwhelmed with all these things.. All these emotions.

Your forever crush kissing a good friend of yours. The random voices. Helping Zenitsu and Inosuke with their own crushes...

It's as if no one really knew how to comfort you, though it had only been around 12 hours since the events. "..I guess this is what I deserve.. I don't even know what I did." you said in between small sobs, turning so that your face was dived into your pillow.

"Lucky Kanao.. Getting to just rip him away from me.." your voice cracks as you shut your eyes, a black void being all you were able to see. Though, there were two silhouettes far off into the distance...

It was yourself, but in a much younger state. She was holding hands with younger Tanjiro, smiling and giggling as they ran around. Young Zenitsu and Inosuke joining in a bit after, Nezuko smiling and giggling as well as she sat comfortably underneath a tree where the trio ran.

You remembered that day, you were only around six years old. You and Inosuke had already known each other since daycare, so the two of you had met Zenitsu, Tanjiro and Nezuko right when elementary had started.

You were quite shy at first, but Inosuke was always there by your side, making your shyness melt away. Causing you to be as loud and chaotic as he was. And all that loudness attracted two people into your lives. Zenitsu and Tanjiro.

The blonde (used to be brown back then), was very shy and obviously used to be (still is) a crybaby. Meanwhile Tanjiro was the calmest and sweetest boy you had ever met. Though you were only young.. that didn't mean your heart didn't nearly beat out of your chest the first time you had seen him.

He was smiling from ear to ear, stretching his hand out to help you get up from the ground since Inosuke had tripped you on purpose. It caused you to fall and scrape your knees against the rocks in the playground.

"Here! Let me help!" he had said, eventually pulling you up with a small grunt, your cheeks flushing into a bright shade of pink. He was adorable as well, always smiling yet being serious when needed. That caused for you to be in love with him, even when you didn't even know what it was you were feeling.

But now, in the present time..

He was slipping away from your grasp, slowly but surely. You saw a small glimpse of his smiles, and could feel everytime your heart would do backflips from his kind and soft gestures.

But they all faded, and you pictured the kiss once more. How his eyes were closed so peacefully and so were hers. They were enjoying the moment, taking in each other's company as they embraced and let their lips meet, hearts beating as one.

"Oh my fucking god.. Stop it." you shakily whispered, grabbing the part of your chest where your heart would be. You gripped it tight, but the pain was overwhelming. All of the emotions you were feeling were too much.

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now