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"We have detention together, dummy!"

You only blink, eyes immediately fogging with utter disappointment.

Shit.. I totally forgot I had detention..

The male before you only cackled at your dumb looking self, making your cheeks immediately flair up into a hot pink.

"Bruh—What is it?!" you exclaim, huffing like an angry child as he only wheezed and slapped his knees repeatedly from his chaotic laughter.

You only roll your eyes, about to speak up when suddenly two rough hands clasped both yours and Genya's ears.


"WONT YOU BRATS SHUT UP?! IM THE TEACHER THAT WILL BE WATCHING YOUR FUCKING UGLY ASSES IN DETENTION!" Sanemi's voice screeched, making you internally pass away from his loud voice.

"Ahhh.. At least be a bit gentle on my ear please! I'm quite sensitive there!" you exclaim, fighting back the urge to  groan from his harsh grip on your poor ear.

The male only raised his nonexistent eyebrow, glaring at you a bit as he slowly processed what you said in the completely wrong way.


"I—No wait! It's not what you're thinking, Shinazugawa-sensei!!" you quickly corrected, face glowing by this point from embarrassment.

The man only sighed irritatedly, dragging you and his younger brother by the ears to the classroom you two would be staying at for at least 3 hours..

"Don't worry about it kid, just make sure not to get into no funny business while you two are in there.." he grumbled, not really caring about both yours and Genya's reaction. Which was just simply blushing immensely while shakily nodding.

"Uh—yes, Nii-san.." Genya had stuttered out, scratching the back of his head awkwardly as you all continued your way down the hall and into the classroom.

Once you did make it there, Sanemi had simply dragged you both to your seats. Not really caring if you had nearly hit your heads against the desks.

"Alright.. imma take a nap, but that doesn't mean my guard will be down." Sanemi says shortly, walking up to the desk and sitting down on the comfy chair.

You only deadpan, "How do you not have your guard down when you're asleep..? That just simply doesn't make much se—"

"I sleep with my fucking eyes open.."

Quickly did you burst out laughing, Genya only sighing with shame at his brother.

"This is embarrassing.."

"HAR?! Now why would it be embarrassing, Genya?!" the chaotic siblings got into this huge argument with you laughing your ass off in the background, not once stopping.

It was all too ridiculously hilarious for you, and thus ending up in you practically crying with laughter.

"Okay okay SILENCE YOU TWO! Shut up please, imma take a damn nap!" Sanemi shouts over the chaos, and the two of you immediately obey his orders and sit quietly as the white haired male started taking his nap.

You and Genya simply glance at each other, a breath you didn't know you were holding finally making its way out of your mouth.

"Well this was not expected.. I thought he was going to make us do math or something!" you whisper with a hushed voice, Genya chuckling as he agrees.

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now