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(M/n) = Mother's Name**


Were the only words that were yelled throughout the table as you also yelled along, cheering as the waiters passed the plates of food down the table. "Fucks sake you guys.. You're embarrassing me.." Sabito whisper yelled at all of you, but none of you payed any mind.

Giyuu passed you a pair of chopsticks, and you nod with gratitude while he placed the large plate with a crazy amount of salmon daikon between you and him.

"I'll have this side while you have the other side." Giyuu ordered. You did as told and began eating the food on your half, the man doing the same for his half. You decided to not eat as messily as you usually would, since you still wanted to keep up a good impression for Giyuu.

"(Y/N)! HAVE SOME OF MY SWEET POTATOES!" Kyojuro exclaims from your other side, and you hum as you quickly swallowed the food that was in your mouth. Turning to face the mighty Rengoku as he fed you.

You opened your mouth wide as Kyojuro moved his chopsticks closer, popping the sweet potato into your mouth as you quickly ate it.. Already asking for more. "(Y/n)-chan! Have some sakura mochi!" Mitsuri squeals across from you, and you could only hum as you quickly swallow down the piece of sweet potato you were fed.

Turning to Mitsuri, you quickly opened your mouth wide. Letting the kind woman plop a piece of her sakura mochi into your mouth, watching you chew and swallow the bit of the amazing sakura mochi.

And it turned out that the whole table fed you their own portions of food, now finally leaving you to eat your own with Giyuu.

"Here," he says as he wiped a piece of some sauce off your lips with his thumb, a blush quickly creeping up your cheeks as you shakily thanked him. He hums, continuing to eat as you did so. Ignoring the debate that was going on with your group on whether vegetables had rights or not.

"They don't, and it's final." Tengen argued, huffing as he plopped a huge piece of his food into his mouth, swallowing it not soon after as he continued to eat and argue at the same time.

"But Uzui.. your food literally has vegetables in it.." Kanae reasoned, sighing as she blinked. "It does not!" the man says as he plopped another piece of his food into his mouth, not noticing the vegetable that had been placed in it.

The woman sighed again as she decided not to argue further, knowing she was right anyways as she continued to eat. Shinobu doing the same beside her.

"If vegetables didn't have rights, we could probably die without their specific nutrients." Gyomei states while eating his food as well, but still getting involved in the odd topic.

"WE HAVE MEAT FOR A REASON!" Tengen boasts, frowning as he grew rather passionate on his believe... Which was that vegetables did absolutely, and may I strike flamboyance when I say this, NOT deserve rights.

"Yes, we know that, Uzui-san.. But meat doesn't always give us the things our body needs, like vegetables." Kanae reasons again, looking up from her plate to Uzui's fuchsia eyes that were brightened up with fury.

They continued to argue, and you could only sit back to watch the argument unfold while Giyuu kept on feeding you as if you were his child. "Y'know.. I can feed myself.." you finally say, only to be completely ignored as he continued to feed you your salmon daikon.

"IT IS FINAL! VEGETABLES DON'T DESERVE RIGHTS!!" Tengen's shout almost made you fall backwards and off your chair, blinking profusely as your ears began to ring. "Uzui.." you muttered, lips forming into a thin line as you grew annoyed.

The man ignores you and continues to shout as Sanemi started another argument with him, Gyomei sweat dropping as he sighed. Deciding to not get involved this time and continued to eat his food peacefully.

"You think I give a shit whether vegetables have fucking rights or not?!" Sanemi continues, smirking mockingly as he also grew irritated and mentally exhausted from Tengen's pointless 'discussion'.

"Won't you guys shut up and eat your fucking food before it gets cold?!" Obanai speaks up, irritated as well since Sanemi and Uzui kept on yelling at each other.. It was attracting other people's unwanted attention.

You nodded, agreeing on Iguro's statement as he tried settling Sanemi down—but in no avail. "Shinazugawa-san.." Shinobu's eery tone made everyone shiver as they stared wide eyed at the petite woman while she stood up from her seat.

"What." the scar faced male muttered, making the woman all the more irritated as she pulled him down and onto his seat forcefully. Sanemi grunting and wailing from the harsh grip she had on his ear.

You snicker, but Sanemi could only scowl since he was too busy receiving a scolding session from the Kocho sisters. But, your moment of teasing Sanemi was quickly interrupted by your phone vibrating nonstop in your pocket. Giyuu looked over at you as you quickly fished it out of your pocket.

Who the fuck would be calling me..

As if your phone read your mind, the contact information came up along with the decline and answer button. You sigh, eyes narrowing as you answered the call.

"I'll be right back, gotta answer this." you tell Giyuu, who only nodded as he watched you step outside of the small restaurant.

Clicking the green button did you press your phone against your ear, listening closely while you exhaled. "Yes? Why're you calling me?" you muttered, raising your brows as you leaned against the brick wall of the restaurant.

"I dunno, I just missed you. Plus... Auntie (M/n) wants us to come over for Christmas soon."

Your eyes widened as your mouth hung agape, lips forming into a thin line while you blinked profusely. Not believing your ears.

"She... SHE WHAT?!" you shouted, mouth still open.

"Yeah.. Didn't she tell ya? Anywho, me and my friends will be comin'. Ya remember them, right?"


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