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You yawned softly as you blinked open your eyes, which were taking their sweet time to adjust to the sunlight that was emitting into the room. Once they adjusted, they quickly widened. Your cheeks flared into a dark pink as you quickly sat up, looking away from the boy.

It appeared that you had fallen asleep while cuddled up to Genya, ending up with you waking up in his arms. Meanwhile he was wide awake, staring at your sleeping figure with narrowed eyes.

He blinked, feeling himself blush as well as he snapped out of his trance. Clearing his throat he sat up on the bed as well, mentally debating wether or not to leave. "Uh—I'm sorry!" you blurted out, slapping your hands onto your eyes as your face grew hot with embarrassment.

The male quickly leaned towards you, raising one of his nonexistent eyebrows. "Why are you apologizing?" he asks, only for his eyes to widen as you dove face first into his chest. His cheeks quickly heating up again.

"Because I fell asleep on you!!" you muttered hurriedly, lips trembling as you grew more flustered. Blinking, the confused younger version of the sexy Sanemi Shinazugawa patted your back comfortably. Not knowing what to say or what to even do.

"I uhh.. It's alright.. Not like I minded sleeping with my wife!" he exclaims, his words made you shoot your head back up. Your eyes widening before a huge grin cracked its way to your rosy lips.

"As you should, husband!" you exclaim back, now radiating the same energy as him. He snorted, and you snort as well.

Then the duo began to laugh, bright smiles on both of your faces. But the moment had to be interrupted by your father bursting into the room, Zenitsu and Inosuke on his heels.

"What the fuck is going on here?!" he shouts, eyebrows raising with amusement as he noticed the position you and Genya were in. Your legs were lazily wrapped around his waist as your bum was comfortably on his lap, hands on his chest as his hands were on your shoulders.

Blinking, the two of you quickly pushed each other away. Now sitting as far away as possible on your queen sized bed.

"Don't get the wrong idea, damn it!" you shout, frowning at your father who cocked an eyebrow dangerously at you. Inosuke smirked and whispered a couple things into Zenitsu's ear, who only snorted and whispered things back.

"I think she gave him a boner!" Zenitsu blurted while pointing accusingly at Genya's crotch, but there wasn't a boner to be seen at all. Genya blinked with confusion as he looked up at the men and down at his crotch.

"Huh?" he mumbled, lips forming into a thin line before you bursted into a fit of yelling while throwing insults at Zenitsu, who held his hands up in defense before you jumped onto him and wrestled him to the ground. Slapping and kicking him along the way.

"I SWEAR! YOU HAVE NO FUCKING FILTERS!!!!!" you yelled, smacking him across the face one last time before huffing and walking out of the room. Your father and Inosuke following suit as they complained about how hungry they were.

Grumbling curse words, you decided on cooking something very simple. For example; microwaveable pancakes.

Waiting patiently for the first batch to be done, you took out a couple plates. Snickering silently since it seemed some of your friends weren't fully awake yet.

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now