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Opening the door with a yawn, you rubbed your eyes as you looked up at Inosuke. Who seemed to be in the same tired state as you.

"Erm, am I coming in or nah??" he finally said, making you scoff before you open the door wider. Letting the male shoulder his way in.

"Who else is comin'?" he asks you over his shoulder while he slid off his black airforces, giving you the chance to inspect his lazy and cozy looking attire. Grey sweatpants, fuzzy duck socks and a red hoodie.


You shivered when feeling snow land on your bare arm. "Did you not read the rest of the messages, or are you just blind?" you grumbled, sighing in defeat as you lazily made your way upstairs to your room. The latter following close behind.

"I only read what's necessary. Plus, I'm not the best at it." he answered, yawning once more as he threw himself onto your bed. Sighing with content from the warm bedsheets.

You shake your head, still smiling before joining him—only to immediately stand up as you heard multiple knocks on the front door. "Shit. Guess everyone's here already." you muttered, jogging down the stairs and towards the front door. Once you did open said door, you had seen the rest of your friends standing there.

You smile brightly before hugging all of them, letting them come inside and take off their shoes. "You've been here before, right, Shinazugawa-kun?" you asked the mohawk, who only flinched at the way his last name rolled smoothly out of your tongue.

He nods, letting a small and simple smile grace his plump lips before placing his black and red Jordan 4's against the shoes. "Yeah, 'course I have!" he answered, watching as you chuckled before tugging on his arm. Urging him to go inside properly since you claimed you were going to freeze to death.

Shaking his head, he shut the door gently behind him. Genya blinked as your lips curved into a smile before turning around and trailing behind the rest of the group. He sighed in a frustrated manner, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Nezu! Did Zenitsu touch you in any way?!" your sudden exclaim had quickly caught the male's attention, who's dark eyes could only quickly glance at where you were. Nezuko shook her head, letting herself break off into a wave of small giggles.

"Of course he didn't! You and Aoi-senpai scared him too much!" she said, watching as you and Aoi melted from the cuteness. "Wha—She called me senpai?!" the butterfly girl awed, sparkles shining bright in her eyes.

"Yes! How adorable!!!" you exclaimed, now those same sparkles appearing in your eyes before you and Aoi squealed. "Guess you even have female admirers!" Zenitsu's claim made Nezuko flinch, only for her gaze soften as she giggled. Looking back at the two girls who continued on fangirling.

"Who're you gonna sleep with?" the question made the girl blink, but a small smile still appeared on her lips. "Probably with Aoi-senpai and (N/n)-chan." she simply answers, light pink eyes clashing with brown ones.

The blonde hummed in understanding, letting himself plop down on your bed. He sighed with content before joining Inosuke in the napping session, the two of them now snoring loudly on your bed.

"Why are they so tired?" you questioned, scratching the back of your head as the rest of you watched the duo sleep like babies. Aoi sighed with disappointment, shaking her head as she agreed with you.

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now