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**in this story Inosuke's mom is in the picture, but not his dad. So it's Inosuke, Mama Hashibira, and Grandma Hashibira.

You never believed in past lives, nor in soulmates and all that sappy shit. But in this case, it was different.

You were currently reading a book that your mother had given you a few years back, and now was the time you felt motivated to read it. You thought it would be a great idea to distract yourself from all your thoughts on Tanjiro, and about what you were planning on doing.

You were sitting in the library, eyes wide open when staring at the first page of the book. It was named Demon Slayer.. and you honestly did not think it would make you this creeped out already.

"Tanjiro..?" you had mumbled outloud, eyebrows furrowing as you continued on reading more and more. It seemed that the protagonist of the book, was a girl that had your name as well. Making it an odd coincidence.

The page had even shown a sketch the author had made of her. And your eyes were slightly shaking as you realized how much this (Y/n) looked like you..

Though she had dark blue eyes, she still had your (s/c) skin colour along with your same height, age and facial features. As well as the exact same hair colour and type. She also had that scar in your eyebrow the same as you, and her hair was done nicely into a high-up ponytail. It made her long, and silky hair reach to her lower back.

What the fuck..? Who has been stalking me?!

You were stuck wondering why the hell she looked so much like you. And you took that as a compliment, because this (Y/n) was truly beautiful.

You decided to pay no mind to the odd coincidence, and just continued on reading the intriguing book. But, that peaceful silence had quickly ended when your phone started ringing.

You let out an annoyed groan while you quickly marked the page you were left on, closing the book and leaving the library while apologizing to the librarian for the loud noise. You shut the door gently before you fish out your phone from your hoodie's pocket, eyes scanning the screen.

"Why would mom be calling me?" you thought outloud before quickly answering, thinking it could be an emergency. "Ma? Are you alright?" you spoke into the speaker as you pressed the phone to your ear, now walking down the busy streets of the city. Deciding to quickly head home just in case.

"Yes, of course I'm alright! I just want you to come home right now, I have some things to tell you!" she had exclaimed, your eyes squinting with annoyance. Wondering why she couldn't just tell you now.

You let out a small sigh before giving her a hum as your reply, rolling your eyes the slightest. "Alright, alright... I was already heading home from the library anyways." you muttered, now crossing the street and towards your neighborhood.

"Alright hun! Do you want me to pick you up?" she asked you softly, but you shake your head nonetheless. "No thanks, I'm like fifteen minutes away. I'll see you home, ma." you said, a small smile appearing on your lips.

"Okay! I'll see you home, love you!" she exclaimed before hanging up, and you sighed when shoving your phone into your pocket once more. Not bothering to check all the notifications.

.⋆𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟⋆.

"I'm home!" you called while shutting the door, kicking off the slides you wore. Your mother poked her head out from the kitchen, a smile gracing her lips.

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now