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You let out a loud yawn as you stretched out your arms before continuing your trek back home. With a group of guys trailing behind you as they snorted and laughed loudly.

Well, at least only one of them was being like that..

"Oi, (L/n)-chan! Why ya so far awayyy..??~~" Yuichiro's voice had groaned out, making you tick as you only shot him a glare. Continuing on wobbling your way down the sidewalk.

The male grunted in response at the way you ignored him before he went back to joking around with Inosuke, which terrified you since the two of them were getting along oddly well.

Wow, it's as if he's replacing me already..

You sigh dramatically, silently anime crying from your overdramatic thought. "Oi oi oi..!" your eye twitched before you did a complete 180 degree turn and faced the bolder twin, who only blinks in response at your random moment.

"What?" he asks innocently, but you jabbed a finger to his chest in return. "What do you mean 'What?'?! If you're clearly trying to be like Bakugo, you should honestly stop." you had muttered before yawning again and rubbing your eyes groggily as you found yourself walking with the guys.

It was chaotic yet being next to Muichiro the whole time made you feel even sleepier, even though you had slept for all of last period.

"(L/n)-san.. You're gonna fa—"


The three guys blink down at you as you simply lied on the ground, not giving a flying shit that you had just fallen face first into the concrete.

Instead, you fell asleep almost instantly.

"Bruh what?" Muichiro mumbled, watching you snore peacefully with a deadpanned expression. Yuichiro only chuckled nervously, still blinking with concern.

"..Is she dead?" he muttered, gently kicking your leg—but only ended up being thrown onto his butt by none other than your sleeping self.

"WHAT THE FUCK—HOW??!" the male exclaimed, shivering with fright before standing up and sprinting off to his home.

"Yuichiro—Wait!..." Muichiro trailed off, sighing as he sweat dropped. Inosuke doing the same as the two males stared silently down at your still sleeping self.

"Here.. You carry her legs and I'll carry her shoulders." Inosuke nodded in agreement to Muichiro's plan, and so he did as told (for once) and carried your legs while Muichiro carried your shoulders.

The two males moved in sync up the road, but as soon as they were about to sigh with victory—

"Muiii... Can you give me a piggyback riiiidee??~~.."

Inosuke flinched, face expression literally this >:0.

Muichiro though, remained unbothered and oddly calm. Mentally screaming and wanting to kill himself from your random request.

"Alright.. fine. Just don't choke me to death.." he muttered before letting you climb on his back, arms wrapping instinctively around his shoulders meanwhile your legs did the same with his waist.

"Inosuke you can go on ahead, our houses are up ahead any—"

"OH THANK FUCK!! BYEEEEE!" the boar man screeched with happiness as he ran up the road, now seen going into his house and shutting the door loudly.

Muichiro only blinked, deadpanning before continuing to slightly struggle up the hill since you were quite the heavy burden on his back.

Even worse, you fell asleep. Clung to him.

"..Shit." was the only thing the stoic male could whisper under his breath as he adjusted you from not falling off his back.

His eyes remained looking ahead as he continued walking, his pace quite slow but it was working well.

"Mui..?" he hums in response, slightly glancing over his shoulder at you before stopping his walking for a bit.

"Hm?" he hummed once more, only for his eyes to widen as you nestled your head into the crook of his neck. His face quickly heating up.

"I—Uh—What are you doi—"

The male grew even more baffled as you sniffed his neck, then humming with content before lovingly leaning your cheek against his shoulder.

"You smell good.." you had groggily muttered, the male now looking ahead and trying his best to ignore the rising heat in his body.

"Whatever, I don't spray on cologne for nothing," he replied with a monotoned accent, making you frown before mewling with complaint.

"Heyy..! You could have at least said.. Thank you.." you fell asleep once more, except this time your face was right against the crook of his neck.. The poor guy had butterflies in his gut.

"Tch, I wonder who the fuck got you like this.." he muttered, more to himself but you had woken up immediately after hearing him ask that question.

"No one did.. except me.." you answered along with a yawn, and the male paused his walking once more as his eyes slowly widened. "Wait a minute.." he whispered, letting go of your legs as he sat you down on a nearby bench.

You glanced up at him groggily, and he closely examined your pupils, noticing how they were dilated and a bit too big for his liking.

"What the fuck..?"

"Is something wrong?" you ask innocently as you tilted your head, but the boy only shook his head with a small smile. Trying to reassure you.

"Don't worry about it, let me get you home first.." he had simply answered, helping you back up to your feet and firmly holding your hand as you walked side by side.


Muichiro glances at you, humming in response as he waited for you to continue.

"I..think I know why I feel so.." you yawn, rubbing your eyes with your free hand before continuing your statement. "Why I feel so sleepy.. All of a sudden.." you declared, Muichiro furrowing his brows as he edged for you to speak more.

"Go on.."

"I uhm.. I think I took too many sleeping pills last night...."

The male's eyes widened as he blinked, now realizing what the problem was. "That's it..
But why do you take them in the first place?" he asks, and you look up at him before looking back down.

You were slowly starting to gain your consciousness back, yet your brain seemed to still have no filter. As if you had been drugged at a frat house.

"I take sleeping pills because I can't sleep properly anymore. Not after what happened.." this caught his attention however, and he proceeded to ask you what had happened.

Breathing in a big sigh, you explained to him groggily on what had happened with Tanjiro and the kiss he shared with Kanao, and Muichiro only stayed quiet and listened to every word you had to say.

You even told him about your feelings for Tanjiro, leaving the boy a bit startled by the sudden trust you had for him.

"We've only just met.. why are you telling me all these things?" he asked curiously, now standing with you outside your home.

You look up at him before a small smile naturally made its way to your lips.

"Because I like you Mui!"

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