𝟔𝟒 ⋆

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(Let's just pretend that isn't Kanao <3 pretend that is Y O U )


You mutter small curses as you groan, adjusting yourself again as the pair of strong arms remained wrapped around your smaller and still naked body protectively.

The room was cold, and you didn't know whether it was light or dark out. You honestly didn't care.

All you wanted to do currently was cherish these rare moments..

Wait a minute..

You jolt awake as memories of last night made your brain throb, and your eyes quickly snap open as your chest heaved up and down.


I nearly fucked Genya in a bathroom. I fucked Tanjiro.. and he's my boyfriend now.


You flinch when feeling him stir from beside you, a loud yawn escaping his lips as he rubbed his eyes. "Mmm? (N/n)? Something wrong?" he asks when realizing your red face, and you only look away as your blush became redder.

"I-It's nothing.." you muttered, still blushing like crazy. Before you could turn to run away however - he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you back beside him, his eyes closed peacefully as he smiled.

Your stomach fluttered with butterflies from the view, and you noticed the many hickeys and bite marks along his chest and neck. You felt yourself relax, and you finally let yourself smile from the thought of sharing such a personal activity with the one guy you will always love.

You pull the sheets back over the both of you, ignoring the strong stench of sex that was still in the room..

You were guessing the time you had went to bed was probably at around 4 in the morning.. and you had no idea what time it currently was.

That reminds me..

"Uh, Tanjiro? Was my phone going off?" you ask him softly, the sound of your voice stirring him awake as he fluttered his eyes open almost in an angelic way.

He hummed, asking you telepathically to repeat the question as he rubbed on his eyes cutely. "Did my phone go off earlier by any chance?" you repeat, still smiling as the male only grunted when he stretched his arms up above his head.

"Dunno.. I don't even know where your phone is. You might've left it downstairs? I'm not too sure.." he trails off, eyes looking down to your bare chest and all the marks.

He smiles, his fingers delicately tracing all the hickeys and bite marks before he pulls away and yawns again. "Let's not worry about that now though; our main issue is cleaning up the mess.. the smell of sex is too strong for me," he says as he sat up, stretching his arms again and cracking his joints.

You followed, yawning loudly as you crack your back as well as your neck. "Yeah, good idea. Then what?" he looks back at you, blinking before letting himself smile. "We could continue cuddling, perhaps..?~" he asks gently, his voice very soft and delicate.

You blush cutely before nodding enthusiastically, and he only chuckled before brushing some loose strands of your hair out of your face. "Atta girl! Let's get ourselves some clothes and tidy up my bed before I decide to fuck you first thing in the morning.." he says smoothly, and you only blush in response before getting off the bed.

Your legs were shaking terribly, and you look down at your inner thighs to see the hickeys Tanjiro had given you. Snickering to yourself, you clumsily walk over to his full body mirror and examine your naked body.

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now