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"..This something has been bothering me ever since we first met, Kamado Tanjiro."

A girl stood stiff as she stared around at all the other children running around the playground. Her lips were formed into a thin line as she awkwardly watched all of them having fun. "Why ain't ya playin'?!" a boy who was taller than her by an inch had exclaimed from beside her. A pout was formed on his small lips as his bright, emerald eyes stared at her intensely.

She blinked, snapping out of her daze as she looks to her side and at the boy. "Wha—Inosuke-kun! I ain't playin' cuz no one invited me 't play!" she had protested, puffing out her cheeks as she crossed her arms.

He rolled his eyes as he harshly pulled on her wrist, dragging her towards the playground. "C'mon then! Don't cha wanna play?!" the boy says yet again, a smirk on his face as he dragged her over to a slide.

"C'mon with me!" he exclaimed, not even hearing her protests as he went down the neon blue slide. His big eyes glimmering before he pouted. "Not high enough!" he yelled as he threw his arms in the air, about to start a tantrum until he felt a harsh push on his back—which sent him flying onto the pebbled ground.

The girl stuck her tongue out, since she was the one that had slid down the tube and bumped into him on purpose since he was still sitting at the end of the slide. "That's what chu get, ya dummy!" she had squeaked, only for her eyes to widen as the said boy pushed her off from where she was sat. She fell face first into the pebbles, scraping her delicate skin.

Her eyes quickly pooled with tears as she sniffed, rubbing soothingly on her aching knees as blood started running down from the new scratches.

"Are you okay? Here! Lemme help ya up!"

A new voice had said, and she looked up with her teary eyes to see the most beautiful pair of burgundy coloured irises she had ever seen.

Eyes now sparkling, she nodded, watching as the boy extended a hand to her. Letting her place her soft hand in his own before he pulled her up with all his strength.

"What's your name?" the boy asked her, noticing how they matched heights. She stammered, but told him her name before asking him the same question.

"Oh! I'm Kamado Tanjiro, but call me Tanjiro!"

She giggled as she nodded, giving him a poke on the cheek before she asked him to play. He obviously agreed before they bumped into more kids their age, who only became their friends afterwards.

You drew out a shaky breath, narrowing your eyes as you look up at the darkening sky. The sun was still somewhat present.

A cold breeze flew by, brushing through your hair as it announced the cold night that would soon arrive.

"It's not necessarily a bad thing, but I know that you probably wouldn't be able to return my words," you state after a long moment of loud silence, Tanjiro's mind rushing as he knew this moment had finally come.

The moment where you would finally say what has been on your mind for as long as you had befriended Tanjiro and your other friends.

A small and sad smile was tugged smoothly on your lips, your unnoticeable dimples finally becoming noticeable. The boy, awestruck by the sight, could only blink. His lips turned into a thin line as he waited eagerly for you to continue.

"There's this girl I know who's had a huge crush on you for a long time. 'Longer than she could remember', is what she always tells me." you said, your eyes mirroring the beautiful sunset's colours.

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now