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You mumbled random words to yourself while you wrote down the last numbers for the last question on your math test, mentally wanting to die since your head kept on pounding annoyingly. Well no wonder.. you didn't have a single clue in what you were doing for this test.

You'd just write down whatever looked somewhat right and presentable, and call it an answer. You just hoped you wouldn't fail this test..

Just before the bell rang, you had placed your pencil down. Allowing you to let out a long sigh as the teacher collected the papers.

"Phew! I'm glad I made it through.." your assigned seat partner had said, giving you a gentle smile before packing up her things. "You sure as hell did good!" she waved bye at you before walking out of the room, like the rest of the students.

You sigh again and stretch your back once you had stood up, a satisfied grunt coming out of your lips as a crack resounded from your spine. You smirked when you turned your head around to see Inosuke being scolded by the math teacher, Sanemi Shinazugawa.

"And why didn't you finish the test?! You had 45 fucking minutes!!" Sanemi yelled, a vein popping out on his face. You snorted, but that caused for the white haired man to alternate his attention to you.

Which made you visibly flinch a bit, preparing yourself for what was about to come next.

"HAR?! DID YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY, MISS (L/N)?!" he yelled once more, stomping over to you with a rolled up piece of newspaper he had been 'reading' earlier.

You mumble small prayers before you turn around, only to feel a rather tough smack on your head. It made you almost face plant.

"I—HEY! WHAT WAS THAT FOR..." you pause, mentally pissing yourself due to your huge ass mistake. Sanemi scowls, eyes widening as he starts growling like a dog.

Inosuke took advantage of the distraction and started creeping out of the classroom, which only made you stare at him with disbelief. You quickly grab your things and sprint out of the room, not caring if you bumped into anyone.

You could care less, what was more important was making it out of there.. Alive.


You heard him continue to scream from behind you, but you ignored him as you kept on sprinting down the crowded hall. Grunting with effort as you kept on knocking people over.

And by one wrong move, which was turning your head around to see if he was still following you. Of course, you had to crash into the person you had most wanted to avoid; Tanjiro Kamado.

He lets out a pained yelp, spitting out the water he had been drinking out of his mouth while you nearly ran over him. Your nose started aching from the hard impact it had with Tanjiro's surprisingly muscular but obviously small chest.

Alas, the two of you fell backwards, ending up in you on top of him as he gasped for air. Casually choking on some water.

You blinked when feeling your nose pound with pain, yet when your eyes met with his—you couldn't help but stop breathing for a moment. He looked as handsome as always.. You had almost forgotten the situation you were in.

But, the boy had completely ignored the very suggestive position the two of you were in. Since he had noticed your nose beginning to bleed.

"(Y/n)-chan?! Your nose is bleed—" he was interrupted by you standing up and running away faster than the Flash, since you had snapped out of the small trance and needed to get the fuck out of there. 

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀 ࿓ 𝙏. 𝙆𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙊Where stories live. Discover now