Elrond - the pale rider part three

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It didn't take long for a few days to pass, you spent a lot of the time sleeping, and eating the food that Elrond hand brung you.

He still tried to get you to talk, but you refused, and you put your mask on hiding your face once more.

He never tried forcing you to talk, he would simply ask questions he knew you could answer. And much to your disliking, he down a lot of time with you not quiet leaving you by yourself.

Night had fallen on Rivendell a while ago, but you waited until it was late before you snuck out of your room.

You moved slowly, being as quiet as possible, hiding when someone wondered past you.

You had to leave as soon as possible, although everyone had been nothing but nice to you here. You had to go.

With ease you made your way outside and over to Achilles, his head snapped up the moment you came close.

Your saddle and sword had been placed at the back, so you made quick work of putting them on, and climbed onto your horse with a small hiss of pain.

Another thick fog covered the place, making it easier for you to slip out unnoticed.

Softly you left, the guards at the entrance didn't even notice you leave, and by daybreak you were far gone.

Elrond came into your room, the bed had been neatly made, but you weren't there making him sigh heavily.

"Is everything alright?" Lindir asked as Elrond left the room.

"She left."

"She must have gone last night, it was extremely foggy, the perfect time."

Elrond nodded his head in agreement. He couldn't help but worry though, your wound was still healing, you needed help, but you refused it.

"We can send people to find her if you wish?" Lindir suggested.

"No, she doesn't want any help, leave her. I only hope if she needs it she'll come back."

"Are you sure? It may be a bad idea to leave her alone. She's not fully healed."

"I'm sure, she knows she is welcome here if she needs assistance. We cannot force her to stay if she does not wish to."

Lindir nodded and watched as Elrond left. He could tell Elrond was upset about you leaving, but he knew there was nothing he could do, only hope that you would be okay and possibly return.

You, on the other hand, found a small cave and made your home there. You hurt al over, your body was still healing and you knew that rushing away like that didn't help whatsoever.

It was for the best though, you'd be back to normal in another few days.

Or at least, that's what you thought. Instead of getting better you got worse, you had a fever, you were in agony, your abdomen begun to bleed once more and you were coughing blood.

You were conflicted, you didn't want the help, but at the same time you knew without it you would die.

With reluctance you decided what to do, and sluggishly climbed into Achilles, guiding him in the direction you needed to go.

You had nearly fallen off multiple times, unconsciousness threatening to take over.

Slowly your vision was becoming hazy, darkness surrounded the edges of it, and it was getting harder and harder to breath.

The great gates of Rivendell wasn't that far ahead, a groups was coming out just as you got closer.

Elrond gazed at you in shock, at first sight he couldn't see anything wrong with you.

"Pale rider? What brings you back?" Elrond asked stopping his horse.

Your breathing was raspy, and trying to get air into your body was a fight, though you could feel it weakening as you begun to fall towards the elf lord.

"Please... help..." you softly rasped out.

Elrond's eyes shot open at the sound of your voice, and your weak plea for help.

He watched as your body just slumped, and you fell to the side. He barely jumped down from his horse fast enough to catch you in his arms before you hit the ground.

He was glad you asked for help, although it seemed like nothing, he knew it was a huge step for you.

He was determined, and he quickly rushed back the way he came from, knowing that time was quickly running out

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