Thorin - Long live the king

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A/N: based of this "Imagine Thorin smoking quietly on the banks of a river, and you sneak up behind him and hiss, "long live the king" and then shove him in the water" by Thorins-magnificent-ass on tumblr :)

You found the two princes of Erebor near the others and smiled, since falling into middle Earth they had been your best friends. soon enough you won over the others and eventually you won Thorins heart.

"Hey Fili, Kil have you seen Thorin?"
"Ready to confess your undying love for him?" Kili snickered.

You felt your face heat up and you slapped his arm sending him a playful glare. Fili smirked and shook his head.

"He's by the river."

Taking in the information, you stood still. The others could visibly see the cogs turning in your head as you thought. Slowly a grin made its way onto your face. Instantly worry took over as they saw your mad grin.

"What are you plannin' lass?" Dwalin asked.

Winking you scurried towards the river, the others shared a look before quietly following you. Crouching behind the trees your made held a fingers to your lips before sneaking out. Fili was right, Thorin was sat looking at the river.

Quietly you crept over, careful not to let him see you as you stood behind him. Taking a quiet breath your crouched and held out your hands a smirk on your face as you placed them near his back.

"Long life the king..." you hiss

Before Thorin could react you pushed him with all your might and he landed in the water with a splash. Stumbling back a few steps you doubled over in laughter, arms wrapped around your torso as you laughed, tears streaming down your face as your fell to the floor. The others just watched with a mix of horror and amusement as a soaked and angry Thorin walked out the water.

"What the hell?!" He roared.

Thorin marched right over to you, but you were to busy laughing to notice. Eventually your laughter quietened and you noticed the silence. Looking up, you wiped a few tears and could see Thorin more clearly. You had to bite the inside of your cheek to spot from laughing, his cloths cling to him, his hair was plastered to his face and water dropped down.

"Long live the King?" He asked.

You gave him your best smile but it didn't work. Then realisation hit you and you begun giggling once more.

"Heh... you're all clean now... stinky dwarf." You giggled.

Thorin still frowned and rose an eyebrow at the remark, until, the very corner of his lips twitched up. In the blink of an eye Thorin picked you up and no matter how hard you couldn't wiggle free.

"Thorin no... Thorin please, please I'm sorry don't do this..."

Thorin smirked and walked into the water, he was about waist deep when he stopped.

"I know you love me don't do it, it doesn't have to be this way..."
"Oh but that's where you're wrong amrâlimê..." he whispered, "it does.... long live the queen."

With that Thorin dropped you, and with a scream you plunged into the freezing water. Quickly you jumped up and pouted, crossing your arms. Quickly you begun to shiver. This time it was Thorin who was laughing as he gently guided you out of the water and towards camp.

"Come on then, let's get you warmed up."
"It's your fault." You huffed.
"You started it." He pointed out.

Thorin rummaged through his stuffed before pulling out two sets of clothes he handed one to you and ushered you behind some bushes to get changed. Thankful you changed quickly and threw you wet clothing at him. Rolling his eyes he picked it up and put it the his near the fire. Thorin took your hand and sat you on his bedroll as he dropped his cloak and around you. Your face flushed but you said nothing.

"C'mon (Y/N), you can't stay mad."

You huffed once more and crossed your arms.

"I'm cold..." you muttered.

Without a word Thorin pulled you down as he laid down, wrapping his arms around your waist. Flipping over you were nose to nose with him and you wrapped half his cloak around you.

"You're an arse Thorin."
"But I'm your arse." He grinned.
"That's true... you also have a great ass." You smirked.

Thorins face went bright red as he avoided your gaze, laughing quietly you kissed his nose and cuddled into his chest with a content sigh. Though Thorin will never know what compelled you to hiss long live the king and push him into the lake, he was enjoying holding you in his arms for once feeling relaxed

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