Happiness pt one

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A/N: this is a request for the wonderful @fluffyfoxella a Legolas x Reader x Thranduil

I hope part one is okay❤️

As the company got shoved by eleven guards through a large throne room you couldn't help but smile and how beautiful it was.

"What are you smiling at?" A guard sneered.
"It's a very beautiful place."

The guard seemed taken back but he didn't reply, you heard a few of the dwarfs snicker. As everyone was being shoved towards cells the prince stopped the guards shoving you and Thorin into the same cell.

The princes said something in elvish and Thorin was taken away while you were rudely shoved into a cell and the door slammed closed.

"Who are you?" You asked politely.
"I'm Legolas, Prince of the woodland realm."
"It's nice to meet you."
"You are thrown in a cell and you say it's nice to meet one of the persons who did it?"
"It's always nice to meet new people."
"You're an odd human."
"You're an odd elf."

He looked at you before walking away, his mind pondering on how odd you were.

You just smiled to Dwalin and sat back down as you waited patiently. Soon enough Thorin was tossed into the cell and the guard pointed at you.

"The king wishes to speak with you."

Shouts of protests were heard and Thorin protectively stood in front of you, but your comforting hand on his shoulder and the nod you sent him made him back away.

"Okay." You said.

Following behind the guard, you clasped your hands behind your back as you were led up to where the king was stood. He was taller than you, wearing silver like robes, with beautiful white hair, much like snow, and shockingly blue eyes, they reminded you of your mothers and you smiled sadly as he dismissed the guards.

"Is something about my appearance amusing to you?" He asked calmly.
"No sir, not at all." You shook your head.
"Then why, pray tell, are you smiling?"
"Your eyes are very beautiful, they remind me of my mothers, though they weren't nearly as stunning."

The king didn't say anything g as he walked around you like a predator checking out it's prey. Once he made a full circle he stood and clasped his hands behind his back.

"Do you think flattery will get you out of this mess?"
"Not at all, it not flattery it's the truth."

He hummed as he took a small step closer, a small smirk flickering across his face when you noticed you didn't cower back.

"Why do you travel with such foul creatures?"
"The dwarfs are my friends. I have been with Thorin, Fili and Kili since I was a teenager."
"Why might that be?"
"I would rather not say, if you don't mind." You smiled again.
"You certainly do smile a lot, don't you? Why might this be?"

You shrugged and glanced around before your eyes landed on him once again, a happy look still on your face as you gave him a closed eye smile.

"There's always something to smile about."
"But you don't, you've just been thrown in jail." He pointed out.
"True. But I have friends in there."

Before the king could say anything more a guard came running over breathless and panicked.

"My king the dwarfs have escaped!"
"Find them!" He snapped, "now you have nothing." He sneered at you.

Shrugging, you happily followed behind the guard, coming across Legolas who was running the other way. He looked at you, gave you the smallest of smiles and then ran off as you were pushed in a cell.

Many days passed and you were still in the cell, and finally it as opened by the king. He tossed you a sword and a guard dumped some armour at your feet.

"You'll join my personal guard."

Hastily you pulled on the armour and grabbed the sword and then ran after them while laughing.

"Why are you laughing?"
"I don't know your name. You don't know mine but yet you gave me a weapon. For all you know I could hurt you."
"You don't seem that stupid, as for my name you'll call me King Thranduil."
"I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you king Thrandull."
"Thranduil." He sighed.
"Thrandull." You repeated.

He sighed and you laughed once again with a sheepish look as you walked backwards. Hands clasped in front of you.

"Your name is hard to say."
"Then don't say it."
"I'll get it one day."

Thranduil rolled his eyes as he watched you run up to the horses, surely one human couldn't have so much energy and happiness. There was no way it was possible. Though, as he watched you he felt a little calmer, something about your presence made him feel something again

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