In time prt two

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~20 years later~

You skipped through the streets as you smiled at everyone.

"Hello Mary, do you have any flowers?"
"I always have flowers for you (Y/N)." She laughed.

You chuckled and accepted the beautiful blue crown and placed it over your silver tiara and accepted the roses from her.

"What would I do without you?" You laughed.
"You'd have to go without your daily flowers." She smiled.
"That just won't do!"
"I remember the first time you came here when you were 4 you know, you were such a wee thing. And when you used to get flowers for the dwarf who worked in the blacksmiths."

You smiled sadly at her.

"If only I could remember him. I must be going, I've got a meeting with the King of Erebor and his nephews."

Bowing, you placed a handful of gold coins on her cart and winked as you slowly made your way back up to the castle at the top of the hill. Humming slightly you entered and skipped around guards and guests.

"You're late." Farin sighed.
"I'm not late if it hasn't started Farin."
"It can't start without you!" He huffed.
"Therefor I'm not late, you can't start without me meaning I could have showed up in two hours and I still would not be late."
"You're hopeless."

You heard a low chuckled and you grinned and stuck your tongue out at Farin who ran a hand down his face.

"You're the reason I'm turning grey you know."

You rolled your eyes and sat on your Throne, crossing your legs you smiled and closed your eyes as you plucked a rose from the bouquet and placed it behind your ear.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, King of Erebor?"
"I told a young lady I would return." Came a gruff voice.
"Is that so? Would you like help finding her?"
"There is no need my lady, I would recognise her anywhere. She had the happiest (E/C) eyes and on the last day she wore a stunning blue crown made of flowers. Much like the one you wear now."

Your eyes snapped open and you looked down at them. There was a blond one, a younger dark hair one and an older one with a crown and a few grey streaks in his hair. Looking in his eyes you frowned and sighed.

"I'm sorry my king, I know not of who you are."
"My lady suffered an incident when she turned 19. Someone had tried to poison her, as a result she lost many of her memories because they brewed the poison wrong."

The king nodded and stepped forward. You stood up and placed the roses down as you walked down the steps to stop a few feet in front of him.

"Perhaps this will help."

From his pocket he drew a cloth, uncovering it he held a dagger.

"Farin you made this? I would recognise your work anywhere."
"Aye, you asked me to my lady."

You furrowed your brow even more. Glancing into the kings blue eyes he was only slightly small than you, and you saw the flash of an image. Your heart sped up and slowly you reached up to the rose in your hair. Pulling it out you turned it around and gently placed the stem behind his ear with a little laugh.

"Mr Thorin, how could I forget..." you whispered.
"You've grown." He smiled.
"I have, you haven't changed a bit since that day."

Without warning you hugged him tightly. Thorin laughed as he wrapped his arms around you and hugged you back. You smiled brightly as you pulled away and took his hands in yours.

"I have so much to tell you! But you have so much to tell me too! Who are these two!"
"These are Princes Fili and Kili my nephews."
"Fili." The blond introduced.
"Kili." The dark haired smiled.
"At your service." They bowed.
"It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Turning back to Thorin your eyes twinkled with excitement.

"What brings you all the way here, Erebor is a long journey away."
"I actually came to see you again, part of me wondered if you were still here."
"You travelled all this way for me?"

Thorin nodded and squeezed your hands lightly. Turning to Fanir you nodded and he and the guards left. Fili and Kili took this as their cue and they left as well. Turning back to Thorin you looked at him.

"I swore I'd come back here to see you once more. I would like to offer you the hand of one of my nephews, they are the best dwarfs you could meet and would love and protect you."

Laughing slightly you shook your head and kissed his forehead.

"I do not want their hand. I'm aware you are many ears my elder but I'd rather have your hand Thorin. What I feel with you, the happiness is unlike any I've felt. When we met all those years ago we bonded, my father told me when you bond with someone that fast you're destined to be with them. I have turned down many suiters because they never felt right."

Thorin smiled softly and kissed your cheek as he nodded his head.

"Aye, I was aware when I left you were my one. But you were so young I wasn't going to ask you to court. When I decided to come back I brought Fili and Kili thinking you'd want someone younger as much as it pained me to think so."

You hummed and led Thorin back to your throne. Sitting down, Thorin sat himself in the arm and gazed down at you with love in his eyes. You rested your head against his side as Fanir, Fili and Kili came back in. They all cheered and Fanir walked over with a knowing look.

"I told you all things happen in time."
"You were right as always."

Fanir took a step back and Fili and Kili came over to congratulate the pair of you, you couldn't have been more happy with your life at that moment

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