Fili - Guardian's one

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You had been sitting by the river while you watched the wolf next to you drink. With your white cloak pulled tightly around you, you listened carefully, that's when you heard it. Footsteps. Out of curiosity you turned around as did Lupus. The pair of you watched a group stumble through the trees.

"Uhm... Gandalf there's someone here..."

Lupus walked over and sat besides you, you tilted your head to the group. (E/C) eyes watching them carefully.

"What is a young lady doing all the way out here?" A dwarf asked.

They all seemed to be waiting for a reply but when you said nothing they seemed even more confused.

"You're a guardian?" A man asked.

Turning to him you smiled lightly and nodded, standing up. You were no more that three feet tall with long (H/C) hair a white dress and a white cloak, a sword strapped to your waist. Lupus stood five foot tall with pure white fur, red eyes and antlers upon his head where red leaves grew.

"A guardian?" A blond dwarf asks.
"There's many of them, they all have different rolls. If I'm correct I believe this is (Y/N), silent guardian of wondering and healer of the hurt?"

Again you nodded. Climbing onto Lupus, you gently held his fur as he stood up and turned around and begun to walk.

Are they following? You ask telepathically.

Lupus turned around and you waited.

"You want us to follow you?" The blond asked.

Smiling you have a another nod and waited.

"How do we know we can trust her?"
"Master Thorin, it was extremely rare to see a guardian and even more so to helped by one. She deems your quest worthy, it is wise to follow."
"She knows what we're doing?" The blond asked.
"Indeed Master Fili, it is her job to know what quest you are on."

There was quiet mumbling and they begun to follow so you and Lupus set off once more. It was silent as you led them along the river bank. Soon enough you led them to a cave and stopped.

"A cave, Perfect shelter for tonight. Thank you my lady." The wizard bowed.

Everyone begun to set up and you stayed there for a few hours with them, learning their names and hearing stories, but Fili intrigued you.

"Will you say my lady?" Gandalf asked.

Shaking your head you glanced at the sky and stood up.

"Very well, we thank you for your help." He bowed.
"Are you leaving (Y/N)?" Fili asked.

Nodding you turned away from his and climbed onto Lupus once again.

"Will we see you again?" Kili asked.

This time You shrugged and urged Lupus up. Smiling, you and Lupus turned around and begun to walk away, unaware of what would come in the near future.

Months after the encounter, you found yourself heading to Erebor, the strong feeling of hurt drawing you, and you noticed you weren't the only one, there was many other guardians here helping.

There's three dwarfs up the tower who need healed (Y/N)
Thank you Oak

Smiling and the winged bear and his rider, Lupus begun to run towards the tower and swiftly up it. You found Fili first. He had many cuts and bruises but the stab wound was cause much blood loss.

Holding your hand above it you closed your eyes and allowed a white light to cover him, his wound seal shut and he bolted up with a gasp. Satisfied you and Lupus made your way up the tower to the next one, brushing past an Ellon king to find Kili and an Elleth.

"A guardian." She breathed.

Has his soul left yet Lupus?
No, but you must act quick, his and his uncles will be gone soon.

You nodded to Lupus and copied what you did to Fili on Kili before standing up.

"You're the guardian of healing and the wondering aren't you?" The King asked.

You smiled and jumped onto Lupus, holding onto his fur tightly as he jumped down the tower and onto the ice, skidding over to Thorin where Bilbo knelt over him.

"(Y/N)?!" Bilbo asked.

Dropping to your knees you assessed the damage and took a deep breath, holding you hands over his wound you closed your eyes. It took longer than you thought but when you were done you stumbled back a few steps into a warm pair of arms.

You've exhausted yourself.
I am fine Lupus.
You're nose is bleeding.

Raising an eye brow you raised your hand and touched just under your nose, pulling it back you saw the faint trickle of red on your fingers. Then you were spun around and something was pressed under your nose. Blinking, you saw Fili, and it was sleeve he was using to wipe the blood. Fili's eyes connected with yours and you felt your heart speed up a little.

"Are you okay?" He asked worried.
Yes, I am okay. Just a bit tired.
"You can talk?" He asked shocked.

Nodding you took a step back and offered him a warm smile and begun to walk away, you stopped. The further you got away the more empty you felt. Furrowing your brow, you turned to Lupus.

You've found your one my little pup, what will you do now?
I'm unsure, Lupus what happens if I stay with him?
You can choose to become mortal and your job will be passed on to another.
Will you leave too?
No little pup, I'm tied to you.

You nodded and frowned before smiling, pulling your cloak you folded it neatly and placed it upon the ice.

"What are you doing lass?" Balin asked.
"She's giving up her immortal life." Gandalf muttered.
"Why?" Bofur asked.
"She's found her one." Gandalf beamed.

The whole company watched as you bowed your head, they didn't hear any words but another figure appeared.

"Little (Y/N) who we took in hundreds of years ago, you have found your one haven't you?" She smiled.
"I have." You beamed.
"Then I hereby release you (Y/N), guardian of the wondering and healer of the hurt, your duty is done."

A white light surrounded you and the mysterious woman and when it faded she was gone.

"Fili..." you whispered horsey.

Turning around you faced Fili and held out your arms with tears in your eyes and a water smile. Instantly Fili was in your arms as he lifted you into the air, placing a kiss on the side of your head.

"You've got such a beautiful voice amrâlimê. But you gave up immortality for me?" He whispered.
"I had been waiting many years for my one... I will not throw it away now..."

Burying your face in his neck you sighed in content. Pulling away, you headed over to Lupus and kissed his head as you turned back to all the dwarfs, Fili stood by your side and slipped his hand into yours, happily ever after does exist

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