Happiness - Thranduil ending

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A few weeks after the funeral you bid everyone goodbye and started to wonder the lands of middle earth. You had no real destination until you found you had unintentionally walked to the edge of Mirkwood though it was dark now.

"I wonder..." you whispered.

Heading in, armed with the blade Legolas had given you, you carefully followed the path and thankfully you hadn't gotten lost. You found yourself at mirkwoods gates.

"What brings you here?" The guard asked.
"I'm here to see King Thranduil."

They looked at each other and shook their heads before turning towards you. They pulled out their bows and aimed them at you making you hands go flying up.

"He told me if I wanted I could return!" You squeaked.
"Oh my! We're so sorry my lady! Please come in!" A guard rushed.

You smiled through your confusion at their change of hearts and followed them. Past the throne room and many other doors and rooms until they stopped and knocked on a large door. You heard a faint come in and the door was pushed open.

"My king, we have someone to see you."
"It couldn't wait until tomorrow?" He snapped.
"I thought you'd be happier."

Peaking your head in you watched as his face changed and he quickly ordered he guards away. He was stood in his nightgown and this time he wore no crown. He almost looked normal. Stepping in, you smiled and waved.

"You came..."

Nodding you went to say something but his arms were thrown around you as he hugged you. With a light laugh you hugged him back, burying your face into the fabric of his nightgown.

"I will be honest I hadn't expected you to return."
"I hadn't planned it honestly, I was wondering around when I found myself here."
"But you didn't leave?"
"I saw no reason not to."
"I imprisoned you and made you a guard against your will."
"True, but there's something about you. Something that makes me smile more than I do."

Thranduil laughed lightly and it was easily the most beautiful thing you had heard. When he pulled away, he brought his hands to cup your face as he pressed his head against yours. Laughing quietly you pressed your head into his lightly.

"Will you stay here with me?" He asked quietly.
"Are you asking me to live in Mirkwood with you?"

Thranduil pulled away and took your hands in his, his blue eyes never once leaving yours.

"Yes, only if you want. You can stay here with me, I do not wish to loose you (Y/N). I know I treated you badly before but I want to change that."
"What changed your mind?"

Thranduil leaned his so his mouth was near your ear.

"You did." He whispered.

He pressed his lips softly to your cheek before pulling slowly away.

"You are always so happy, no matter what you see or go through. Your happiness is like a ray of light and I wish not to loose it."
"I'd like to stay here with you Thranduil."

Thranduil's smile widened slightly as he pulled you into another hug, burying his face into the crook of your neck while you ran your hand through his long hair, if happiness was anywhere, you were sure it was here

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