Injured Elf prt two

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"I see, don't worry Lindir, we'll figure it out."
"Thank you..." he muttered.

Humming you smiled and leaned back in your chair, fingers tapping the side of your cup.

"You can sleep in my bed while you're here."
"No, no, it's okay really! I'm okay with the floor!" He rushed.

Shaking your head at him you looked over.

"You're hurt, and you're a guest, therefor you get the bed mr elf."
"Where will you sleep?" He asked defeatedly.
"I'll sleep on the floor in the living room, I won't be sleeping much though."
"Oh..." he muttered.

Standing up you walked over and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder as you took the empty cup from his hands.

"Don't worry about me Lindir, worry for yourself."

Rolled your eyes you placed the cups in the sink and headed to the pot that was steadily boiling, grabbing a bowl you scooped some of its contents in and placed it before the elf along with a spoon.

"Vegetable soup, you can eat in here or by the fire I don't mind. I need have some work to do, so I'll be in and out."
"What is it you do?" He asked.
"I'm a woodcarver mainly. I make small toys and leave them by the orphanage in the town at the base of the mountain."

Lindir smiled and followed you into the living room, taking a seat on a chair he waited for his soup to cool.

"That's very kind of you." He smiled.
"Thanks." You laughed, "I enjoy doing it. Everyone year I make a bundle of toys and bring them down."
"You do it during the storm?"
"It gives me something to do." You nodded.

Picking up a log you brought in earlier you felt it. Nodding to yourself you placed it on the stump in the corner and grabbed your axe, cutting it in half then cutting those halves in half before putting them away and doing the same.

Silence took over the sounds, the sound of an axe hitting wood and the crackle of fire were the only things heard. When you were done you hung up your axe and grabbed the four pieces of wood on the floor, two got put away and you chucked the other two into the fire.

Thane walked over and sat besides you. Running your hand through his white fur you sighed in content and looked at the chair to your right, Lindir had fallen asleep and you couldn't help but laughed. Getting up you walked over and gently shook him.

"Lindir, lets get you to bed." You whispered.

His eyes fluttered open and he smiled lightly.

"What time is it..?"
"Well into night, come."

Taking the Elf's hand, you waited for him to stand up before leading him to your bedroom. It was small, a large bed in the middle with a clothes rack in one corner and a set of draws with a mirror on top. You pulled the bed covers back and allowed Lindir to climb in before cover him up.

"Thane, up." You pat beside Lindir.

The dog barked and jumped on the bed, laying himself next to his new friend as he laid his head on a pillow.

"Thane will help keep you warm, if you need extra blankets just call okay?"
"Okay. Thank you."

Nodding you pressed the back of your hand to his head before humming to yourself and walking away. You pulled the door to and headed into the living room, sitting on the chair Lindir was in you leaned back and closed your eyes.

Another two weeks went by and you and Lindir got to know each other better. You learnt he was an elf from Rivendell, though he still couldn't remember why he was in the mountain. He was close to the lord of Rivendell, Elrond and he told you it was a beautiful place.

In return you told Lindir of life in the mountains, your talent for music and taught him skills like basic wood carving.

"The snow has stopped." Lindir muttered.
"Thats good, I'll have to go clean the path then."

Getting up you headed to the door and begun to get ready. Lindir appeared in the kitchen doorway and watched you.

"May I come?"
"How's your wound?"
"It's still healing, but it's not as bad."

Thinking for a moment you nodded, noticing he was still in your golden robe.

"You'll have to change, your gown is hung up on the clothes rack, I've got a spare coat here."

Lindir nodded and walked off, Thane bounded over and sat next to you while the pair of you waited. Not even 5 minutes later the elf came back dressed in his old clothes and his hair brushed back.

"It's been stitched?"
"I tried my best." You laughed.
"It's wonderfully done." He smiled.
"Thank you, your circlet is on the fire place."

Lindir walked over to it and looked at it, he picked it up and placed it on his head. You had to admit it looked good on him. When he walked over you offered him a similar coat to yours which he put on with a smile.

"Here, I only have one pair of gloves."

You handed him yours.

"You need them." He shook his head.
"Lindir the elf take the gloves. You'll need them."

He chuckled and put them on and followed you out the house. Snow fell in and you groaned as you shut the door.

"Deal with that later..." you muttered.

The sun shone on the snow making it seem like little crystals. The coolness seeped through your clothes but it wasn't unwelcome, though the fact it reached mid stomach was but you simply plowed through, Lindir behind you and Thane behind him. It took a lot of effort, but you reached a separating path, one going down and the other going straight.

"What's down there?" Lindir asked.
"I'll show you." You grinned.

Taking his gloved hand you, you ignored the blush on his face, putting it to the cold. You carefully headed down the slope, snow tumbled before you making it a bit easier to walk. You curved around the mountain and finally you reached your favourite spot

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