The last petal falls prt two

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A year and a half passed and you found yourself in the garden once again, looking at the setting sun.

"Do you think he'll show Ada?"
"I do not know (Y/N)."
"The last petal is close."
"He still has time."

Nodding your head, you watched your father leave before turning back to the rose bush, the one you plucked a flower from many moons ago. Now, standing here, you could feel the the magic of that very rose fading, it's last petal holding on with all its might, though you couldn't tell where it was.

"It will fall tonight..." you whispered.

Finding a bench, you sat down and you waited. The moon rose high in the sky and many people had come to see if you were okay. Elrond and Lindir stood watching you.

"No one has seen any dwarfs..." Lindir whispered.
"I fear he may not come, I do not wish her to be sad, to many have failed to return." Elrond sighed.

Both of them glanced at each other before glancing back to you.

You were gazing up at the glittering stars. With each passing minute your hope faded more and more, Kili wasn't the first you had offered a rose to. It was how you decided who was worthy.

Many had come seeking your hand, men, woman, human, elf. All were given a rose and told to return before its last petal fell. Yet, none did. They moved on, found someone they loved, some passed on by battle or natural cause. Others weren't interested.

Not one, had returned to you.

Standing up, you felt a familiar rush go through you, sadness well in your heart and you glanced to your father as you walked over, sighing softly you avoided his gaze.

"The last petal has fallen... he has not returned..."
"I'm sorry." Elrond muttered.

He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your head, you rested your head on his shoulder. You didn't cry, you had gotten over them not returning, but it still hurt.

Pulling away, you kissed your fathers cheek and bowed to Lindir.

"Goodnight Ada. Goodnight Lindir."
"Goodnight (Y/N)." They said in unison.

Trudging to your chamber, you closed the door and changed into a nightgown. You laid in your bed all night, you didn't sleep.

As sunlight creeped through, you got up and changed into an elegant silver dress before heading out. You skipped breakfast, deciding to stand by the rose bush once more.

"Why do they never return?"

Elrond came to stand by you and placed his hand on your shoulder.

"I can not answer that darling, for I do not know."
"I shall never find a suitor, shall I?"
"You will, you just have to wait."
"For how long Ada? I have been waiting many years, I have grown to loose hope in love. Perhaps I am meant to be alone..."

Elrond gasped and spun you around to face him. You could see sadness in his eyes as he shook his head.

"Do not say such things, you are not meant to be alone."
"I am tired of this Ada, they fall for my beauty but it is not real. They see they have been blinded."
"That just means they are not right for you, you mustn't give up hope."
"Hope has long departed me Ada, I am sorry..."

Giving him a pained smile you brushed past him and stared to leave the garden.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N) wait!" Lindir called.
"Lindir, Mellon, I wish to be alone. Please?"
"There is someone here for you."
"Tell them I shall see to them soon." You sighed.

Again you begun to walk but a hand took yours, it was to small to be a mans, to calloused to be an elves. Turning to face it's owner you gasped lightly. A disheveled and panicked looking Kili held your hand.

"I tried to make it before the petal fell, I swear! Orcs got in the way."

Smiling softly, you shook your head and held his hand close to your heart as you smiled down at him.

"You came, I lost hope. I did not think you would come..."
"I told you I'd come back didn't I?" Kili grinned.
"Yes, yes you did." You laughed.

Leaning down you kissed his stubbly cheek making him blush a little.

"Let us get you some food, and a place to rest. Then Kili, as I promised we can get to know each other better."

Kili laced his fingers with you as you begun to lead him through the hall. Many elves smiled softly and watched as you went by.

"Why are they looking at us that way?" Kili asked.

Glancing down at him you stopped and knelt down so you where just a little smaller than him. Placing a hand to his face you offered him a weak smile.

"Many before you and be given the same chance, alas none returned. Not until today, you are the first to return."

Kili kissed your forehead and placed his hands to the sides of your face as he stood a step closer.

"I will also return, even after the last petal falls..."

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