Thorin - The wolf

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Keeping your secret from the company was hard. They were all suspicious of you, but you knew Thorin was the most suspicious. You didn't miss how he would always watch you when you set up camp, or how he would always follow you when you left. Usually you were lucky enough to avoid him, but tonight you weren't so lucky.

Once you were sure everyone was sleeping, you crept away from the camp and into the depths of the woods, finding a small clearing which you found suitable.

"This seems good..."

Checking to make sure no one was following, you couldn't see anyone so you later down your defences and breathed, letting your (E/C) eyes turn to gold as you quickly and painless changed forms. You weren't a werewolf, but you were exactly a shifter either.

Sitting down, you let the wind brush through your black fur as you sighed in content. You much preferred this form. The more you relaxed, the less you focused on your surroundings and a light gasp made you head snap around.

Thorin was stood there, just inside the clearing with wide eyes, nearly as wide as your own. Thorin took a few steps closer and you took a few steps back in fear, then without warning you spun around and ran away, ignoring his calls.

Thorin stormed back to camp and instantly every conversation stopped.

"Gandalf! Why didn't you tell us?!"
"Tell you what mater dwarf?"
"That (Y/N)..." he tried off.
"What about (Y/N)?" Bofur asked worried.
"Is she okay?" Bilbo jumper up.

Gandalf sighed and shook his head in remorse.

"I'm afraid it was not my place to say. You saw didn't you?"
"S.. she's.."
"Indeed, but she is neither of what you thinking. She's one of a kind."

Thorin frowned but dropped the conversation, ignoring the questions from the others. He tilted his head back to look at the night sky. The longer he waited the more his worry and fury built.

As day came, there was still no sign of you, Thorin sighed and stood.

"We must get going."
"But uncle what about (Y/N)?!" Kili yelled.
"She's made her choice!" He snapped.

Everyone looked down at the ground, shuffling on their feet, no one dared to say anything more as they set out. An hour must have passed before they broke the tree line fully and what they saw all made them freeze.

"What the hell..." Dwalin muttered.

In front of them laid many body of orcs, black blood splattered the grass.

"What could have done such a thing?" Balin asked Gandalf.

They heard a noise and on instinct readied their weapons.

"Put them down you fools!" Gandalf yelled.

The dwarfs and the hobbit lowered them but didn't drop them. Gandalf walked forward his head darting in every direction until he spotted when he was looking for. All eyes turned in the same direction and multiple gasps were heard.

When you spotted the dwarfs you whined and stood up, your shaky legs just barely holding you. Your eyes connected with Gandalf's as you lowered your head a little.

"Oh you foolish girl." He whispered.

He came closer and took your furry head between his hands as he smoothed your wet fur before pulling his hand away.

"What did you do?" He asked gently.

Nudging his hand, your weak legs gave out from under you and you collapsed onto the grass. You let out a shallow breath as you laid onto your side and rested your head on the wizards lap. Gandalf looped his arms around you and lifted you up as he stood up, turning to the curious group.

"Who is it Gandalf?" Bilbo asked.
"This my dear burglar, is (Y/N)."

Everyone gasped and ran over to your limp form with worry in their eyes. All their previous fear seemed to vanish and the questions were shoved to the backs of their minds.

"Can we help her?" Fili panicked.
"I'm not sure, quickly now, we must find some place safe so I can tend to her injuries."
"Oh! I spotted a cave not that far ahead while I was exploring!" Kili yelled.

Gandalf nodded and everyone begun to follow the young prince. While you watched others fall behind as Gandalf rushed, your gold eyes met with blue eyes.

Once they made it, Gandalf placed you on the floor near a fire and started to bark out what he wanted the others to do. When your ears picked up on someone next to you, you lifted your head up slightly only to have it gently pushed back down.

"You'll be okay..." Thorin whispered softly

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