Thorin - Miscomunication

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You had joined the company when they entered their small town, it had taken most of he day but Gandalf had managed to persuade you to join. You had met the Wizard as a child and since then you two had been fast friends.
Now... now you regretted it.

"You okay?" Bilbo asked.

You looked up and nodded at the hobbit. He had been nice to you from day one and asked you loads of questions.

"Just lost in thought." You smiled as you turned to the lands around.

It was a sunny day and it made the green fields look absolutely beautiful. You couldn't help but gaze.

"You always have had a fascination with nature." Gandalf smiled.
"That's because it's beautiful."

You heard a scoff up front and frowned, turning your head away. Thorin Oakenshield. You weren't sure why but he had immediately taken to hating you.

"Don't worry about him." Fili smiled as he came up beside you.
"Uncles just grumpy." Kili laughed, "you're right nature is beautiful."
"But not as beautiful as you!" They grinned.

You felt heat rush to your face and you smiled shyly, hearing a few of the other dwarfs laugh a little at the Brothers. The brothers had quickly become your best friends, while the other dwarfs weren't sure about you they enjoyed your company.

After another few hours of riding, you could see the sun begin to set.

"We camp here." Thorin called.

It was a small patch of trees that would provide good shelter. He begun to call out orders, slightly glaring at you as he past. You sighed and walked a bit away from the group as you sat on the edge of the trees and watched.

"What bothers you my dear?" Gandalf asked sitting with you.
"I fear Thorin wants me to leave." You muttered.

Gandalf placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"I don't think he wishes that, Thorin is a stubborn dwarf like the rest. Perhaps you should speak with him." He smiled.

You nodded and watched as he left before turning back. The others were laughing and talking, sharing food while you sat on your own. But just as the suns final light hit middle earth you heard someone sit besides you. You didn't look but you knew who it was by the fur tickling your hand.

"You need to eat." Came Thorins gruff voice.

You didn't reply, you heard a small grumble and a bowl was placed in front of you. You glanced at it but didn't bother picking it up. Then you heard a soft sigh and Thorin shuffle slightly in front of you.

"Why will you not eat?"

You shrugged, slightly afraid you would say something wrong. You weren't looking at the king so you didn't see his gaze.

"Will you not speak with me?"

Again you didn't say anything. This time, a hand was placed gently on your cheek, turning your head towards its owner.

"Will you not look at me?" Thorin asked gently.

You connected eyes with him but quickly looked away.

"Have I angered you?"

You shook your head.

"Have I upset you?"

You didn't respond but then you nodded a little and regret flashed over Thorins face.

"Please speak with me." He said gently.

"I..." You started but stopped.

Thorin placed both his hands on your cheeks and held your face carefully. You took a deep breath and looked into his eyes before looking away.

"I felt like you did not want me here..." you said quietly.
"(Y/N) look at me." He paused, "please?"

You did as he asked, and saw a frown on his face and sadness in his eyes.

"I wasn't aware you felt that way, I did not even mean to make you feel unwanted."

Neither of you said anything for a few seconds but you leaned slightly into one of his hands without realising.

"In fact, I do enjoy your company. I just wasn't sure of how to show you. I understand now I was doing it the wrong way. There is a reason for how I behaved."

Thorin leaned in so his forehead was pressed against yours. You could feel his breath on your lips and he ran his thumbs along your skin.

"I want to court you (Y/N), if you'll let me? I understand if you say no for I have not been kind to you."

You smiled softly and leaned in so your lips gently touched his before you pulled away. Thorin breath a sigh of relief and a smile spread across his face.

"I have always liked you since I saw you..." you said softly, "I would like to court."
"From now on I shall treat you as nothing more than a queen." He spoke as he leaned in.

Thorin kissed you quickly and gently before he pulled away and picked up the bowl of now cold food. He pressed it into your hands and nodded with a happy look.

"Now, please eat."

You took the bowl and happily ate it's contents while Thorin leaned back on his hands, thanking every great being he could think off for sending you across his path

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