Thorin - In time

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You were running as fast as your little 9 year old legs could carry you through the slightly busy streets of your town. glancing behind you, you saw the familiar tall dark haired steward chase after you.

He jumped over cart that crossed his path and muttered his apologises to the laughing farmer.

"Lady (Y/N)!" Farin called.
"Farin quick! The flowers might be all gone!"

With that you ran to the flower stall outside the blacksmiths. You waved up at the woman behind as she pulled a small blue flower crown out and placed it on top of your head before she offered you a small bouquet of pink followers.

"Here you are, just for you." She winked.

You giggled a little and bowed as you beamed.

"Thank you very much. Farin has some money for you, I saved up loads and loads!"

With that you bowed once more before we walked to the blacksmiths.

"Mr Gray!"
"(Y/N) my dear how are you?" The old blacksmith smiled.
"I am well, and you?"
"I'm well too." He smiled.
"Shouldn't you be working?" You giggled.
"Aye, but I've hired some help."

Gray nodded and stepped aside. There, working at the avnil was a smaller man. You hadn't seen such a small man before, he seemed strong. His hair was black and he had what looked like braids.

"What's his name? Why is he smaller than the other men?"
"This is Thorin, he's a dwarf. He's working so he can have some money for his people."

You nodded and hummed in thought. Skipping over, Thorin stopped what he was doing and looked down at you with a small smile.

"Hello." He greeted.
"Hello, I'm (Y/N). Would you like a flower?"

Without waiting for a reply you plucked a pink flower from your bouquet and placed it on the anvil.

"(Y/N) please stop running away! We must head back now it's nearly lunch."
"Maria said she'd make chocolate cake!" You gasped, "Goodbye mr Thorin! Goodbye mr gray I shall be back tomorrow!"

Taking Farin's hand you skipped out of the blacksmiths with a grin.

As the next day came you ran all the way down once again, you stopped by the flower cart and picked up a yellow flower crown and a white bouquet.

"Hello (Y/N)!" Mr Gray greeted.
"Hello Mr Gray, is Mr Thorin here?"
"Aye, he's sat over there."

You turned to the far corner and walked over and climbed up on a chair. Smoothing your dress you smiled widely.

"Good morning Mr Thorin."
"Good morning, (Y/N). New flowers?"

Nodding you took a white flower and handed it to him.

"Thank you." He smiled.
"Mr Thorin, what brought you to here?"

You listened carefully as Thorin told you how he was just working to earn some money for his people before they moved on.

"When will you leave?"
"Possibly at the end of next week."

You nodded and climbed down from the chair.

"I must go for lunch, I want to visit you everyday! Goodbye Mr Thorin! Mr Gray!"

True to your word every day for the next week you visited Thorin in the blacksmiths. You and Thorin grew extremely close. On the final day you and Farin made your way in. You wore your best white dress, a crown of Blue flowers on your head and a bright red rose in your hand. Behind you Farin carried a small chest in one hand and something wrapped in cloth in his other.

Mr Thorin!" You called.

Thorin came from the back with a thick fur on and a bag slung over his shoulder.

"We caught you just in time." You beamed, "Fanir please gift Thorin his gifts."

Fanir handed over the small chest, Thorin opened it and his eyes went wide.

"I cannot possibly accept this much gold."
"Please, it is my lady's to gift. She cares not for so much gold."
"I... thank you so much, this will up us so much."
"You're welcome, we have one more thing."

Fanir removed the cloth to reveal a small dagger, it was pure silver with a beautiful black handle. On its blade was carved flowers.

"This is absolutely beautiful, where did you get such a thing?"
"Fanir made it for you! I asked him if he could, and here I have a pretty flower for you."

Stepping forward you signalled for him to lean down. Thorin did as you asked and you slipped it into his hair with a smile and you kissed his forehead before you took a step back.

"You're always welcome to come back Mr Thorin. You'll be safe right?"
"I promise I will (Y/N)."

Thorin kissed the top of your head and slipped around you as he left the blacksmiths.

"Thank you for everything, this town has been the kindest we've been to. I'll be sure to visit again."

You waved to Thorin as he left, once he was gone you hummed as you begun to skip back up the hill, wondering if you'd ever see the dwarf again

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