Kili - The last petal falls

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Humming, you walked into the dining hall only to find it full of rowdy dwarfs. Walking around them you stood next to Lindir.

"Dwarfs? And a halfling?"
"Gandalf." Was all he said.

You nodded in understanding and headed over to your father. Gandalf smiled and the other dwarf there looked at you.

"(Y/N), is everything alright?"
"Yes Ada, I was just coming to see if you wished to walk with me."
"Perhaps after dinner. (Y/N), this is Thorin Oakenshield and his company. Thorin, my youngest daughter (Y/N)."
"Pleasure King under the mountain." You bowed.

He nodded his head and you went to walk away only to have food fly past your face. Lindir pulled a disgusted look and the whole room went silent.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" Gandalf asked.
"Who threw that?" You asked calmly.

No one answered and you walked over to the smaller table. You saw the elves smirk and a few pale slightly.

"I will no ask again, who threw that?"
"Who's asking?" A dwarf answered cockily.
"My daughter." Elrond spoke, "it would be wise not to anger her."

They all looked between each other and a young dwarf stood up. His brown eyes darted away from you and he played with his hands nervously.

"I did my lady..."
"You are to clean it up immediately."

He nodded and scurried away, the others laughed and you glared at them to shut them up.

"All of you are to help. I understand this may be normal behaviour, but you are guests in my fathers home. You are to show some manners like civilised people." You hissed.
"Don't you have people to clean this?" A dwarf asked.
"Yes, but it is not their job to clean up after disrespectful beings such as yourself!" You yelled.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and you turned around, your face softening instantly.

"Come, walk with me."

Placing your hand in the crook of Elrond arm, you followed him outside to the garden where he stopped. Resting your head on his shoulder you sighed.

"I have never seen you so angry before."
"They are disrespectful, throwing food like that. It is not their home."
"They are only doing what they normally do." He chuckled.

Rolling you eyes, you stayed out there for a little longer with your dad before the pair of you headed back inside, only for you to be stopped by the same dwarf that threw the food.

"May I talk to you lady (Y/N)?"

Glancing at your father you nodded and he kissed your head before walking away. Looking down at the dwarf you smiled a little.

"What is your name dwarf?"
"I'm Kili."
"What is it you want Kili?"

He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head as he glanced up at you.

"I'm sorry for throwing food, and I'm sorry for nearly hurting you with it. That wasn't my intention."
"You are forgiven."

Again you went to walk away but he stopped you once more.

"Wait! Can we... maybe.. take a walk?"

Laughing quietly you nodded. Kili grinned and followed you as you headed back into the garden.

The pair of you did this for the next few days, just silently walking around the garden. You enjoyed his company, so you didn't mind walking with him, though you were curious. On the third day the pair of you went to the garden again.

"Why do you ask me to walk Kili?" You asked.
"I want to get to know you better, and you're really beautiful..."

You hummed and stopped by a rose bush, with ease you picked a rose and held it to your lips and whispered something. It glowed before returning normal and you handed it to the dwarf.

"This rose cannot be taken from you, it will always return. It will not wither nor will it die. Before the last petal falls from this rose, come find me here, in this very garden. Should you still feel the same way Kili, I will let you get to know me."

Kili took the rose and twisted it between his fingers. He glanced up at you and smiled excitedly.


Leaning down you kissed his forehead before walking around him.

"Then return to your friends master dwarf, and I shall see you on the day the last petal falls."

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