Aragorn - My King

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It had been a year since Aragorn had been crowned king, a year since you had seen the little hobbits, Gandalf, Legolas and Gimli. As much as it pained you, after the events at Mordor when the ring was destroyed, you hadn't gone back with them. you had left while they weren't looking.

"Come Lightning, Gondor is just up ahead."

The horse neighed and bolted towards the city. You were tired of exploring and wanted to settle down somewhere, so you decided to try and become a guard for Gondor. But there was another reason you went.

Bolting through the streets and all the way to the top, you stopped your horse by the tree and hopped of as two guards approach. You adjusted your black cloak hood and waited.

"What is your business?" One asked.
"I seek to join his guard." You half lied.

The pair looked at each other before nodding.

"Follow us then."

You did as you were asked, nerves welled up inside you the closer you got the doors. When they swung open, you smiled lightly at the sight of Aragorn on the throne. You wanted to cry, it felt nice seeing him after all this time.

The guards led you closer until the told you to stop. You got on one knee and bowed your head.

"She wishes to join the guard your highness."

He must have waved them off because they walked away. Aragorn stood up and his boots came into your vision.

"You have no need to bow. What is your name?" Aragorn asked.

Standing up, you kept your head tilted downwards. At first you didn't respond, but then you let out a heavy sigh and cleared your throat.

"My name is (Y/N), strider."

With that you looked up, pulled your hood down and connected eyes with Aragorn's shocked blue ones. He slowly reached out and touched your cheek gently.

"It can't be, you were said to have died long ago."
"I am alive Aragorn, alive and well."

He quickly pulled you in for a hug and you sank into it. Wrapping your arms around him gently as you buried your head in the crook of his neck.

"Where did you go?" He asked sadly.
"I left after Frodo and Sam destroyed the ring, I travelled around for a bit."
"We all thought you had died." He looked hurt and you felt bad.
"I'm sorry Aragorn, I know I should have said something."

Aragorn pulled back and his hand cupped your cheek, leaning into his touch you closed your eyes.

"Where did you go?"
"I was not ready to leave the life of adventure." You whispered.
"Who said you had to?"
"Aragorn, you know I would have stayed here with you."

Opening your eyes, you saw him smiled and nodded slightly.

"I know." He sighed, "What will you do now?"
"I'm not sure, perhaps I'll join your guard if you let me."

Aragorn shook his head, making you frown.

"Why not?"
"I have a different idea." He smiled.
"What is it?"

Without warming he softly placed his lips over yours, your eyes slipped closed and your arms wrapped around his neck while his found your waist. Just as quickly as the kids begun it ended.

"Stay here with me, as my queen?" He asked.
"You truly mean it?"
"I do. When I found out you had gone missing I was heartbroken because I never got to tell you, but (Y/N) I love you dearly."

Leaning up, you kissed him lightly before pulling away with half lidded eyes and a bright smile.

"I love you too my king."

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around your waist, leading you to his throne where he sat you down and sat he on the edge of it.

"Tell me off your adventures, what did you see, what did you do?"
"I shall." You beamed, "But first I might say you look rather good in that crown."

Aragorn rolled his eyes and your flirting and took it off his head before gently placing it on yours. It was a bit big so it slipped down.

"Not as good as it does on you, my love."

You smiled sweetly and beckoned him close. Once he was within reach, you grabbed his cheeks and kissed him slowly before letting go.

"I love you my king." You breathed.
"I love you too my queen." He whispered

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